Chapter 18

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My dad spent 25 years at his job just to risk losing it behind his alcoholic addiction. It saddens me really because it makes me look at him differently like why? I can't help you if your not even willing to put up a fight to help yourself by doing something so simple as to trying.

It's shameful as hell because everyone should want better for themselves NO MATTER THE SITUATION or outcome always have faith. I know I play a part in treating my dad a certain type of way and I feel bad about it afterward. He just says some of the most BOGUS hurtful things to us and that shit hurts. That still does not allow me to continue to say hurtful things back it's just black parents or maybe just some parents in general say hurtful things to their kids not knowing that that causes damage as well. His mindset alone is childlike And it pisses me off because he's a grown-ass man that can't accept life and move forward. He's stuck in the past reliving it every day wasting time and his life.

NO one is perfect and no one expects you to be that but putting forth the effort that you at least want to change yourself mentality, emotionally and physically is a start. A lot of people in my family say that I'm very judgmental and I honestly don't mean to be. I just see life differently you know my vision is different it's not that I think that I am better than everyone else it's just that I carry myself on what I expect out of life. You are what you see, you become what you feel.

Speaking it into existence by living by it now rather I have the money/lifestyle or not. And no I don't mean that by living like the Jones's ( spending money living a lifestyle you can't afford) I simply mean that strictly on mentality. My family settles and that is what I do not like so I set the bar high for myself goals in all so that I can be the first to show them that anything's possible no matter the dream.

My family is a fucking roller coaster 🎢 one minute we're on track going up and the next we're all over the place going down. This is fine because no one is perfect but far from acceptable for oneself goals you know.  I have literally been all over the place with my writing ✍️ I've been stuck and Miss encouraged due to my family issues. I've been committed thus far and I plan on continuing to finish to the end.

Thank you guys so much for everything sorry for the short chapter😩 but here's a fun fact. Did you know that when your a baby you approximately have 300 bones, and when you develop into an adult you have 206? Interesting you say lol thank me later.

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