ʏᴀᴄʜɪ ʜɪᴛᴏᴋᴀ

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ʏᴀᴄʜɪ ʜɪᴛᴏᴋᴀ x ᴛᴀʟʟ ᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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"Hitokaaa~" (M/N) cooed as he rested his hands on the shorter girl's desk.

(M/N) twirled a strand of his hair around, looking up at Yachi, admiring how cute she was.



"Ok-Oki!" Yachi smiled.

(M/N) groaned as he stretched.

"Why are you so cute, Hitoka-chan!?"

(M/N) covered his face with his hands. Yachi just giggled.

"Let's walk home after school!" (M/N) shouted out.

"But you know I have club!" Yachi cried, she didn't want her boyfriend waiting for her.

"I'll wait!"


(M/N) cut her off, "No buts!"

"I'll wait for you, I don't care!" (M/N) crossed his arms.

Yachi just sighed, "Okay!~"


(M/N) patiently waited as Yachi packed up her stuff.

"Is the volleyball team nice?" (M/N) asked.

"Erm... Y-yeah..." Yachi nodded, remembering all the scary things they've done.

Yachi got up, "Let's go."

(M/N) nodded as he walked alongside Yachi to the gym.

"Yachi!" Hinata screamed as he ran up to Yachi.

Yachi jumped, holding onto (M/N)'s arm, "O-Oh, Hinata.."

"Hinata, dumbass! You scared her!" Kageyama yelled.

Yachi jumped again, hearing Kageyama's scary voice but soon settled down as she felt a warm hand pet her head.

"Both of you scared her." (M/N) stated.

Kageyama's and Hinata's eyes went to the taller male besides Yachi, how did they not notice him earlier? Kageyama and Hinata both fell silent as all four of them stood in front of the gym door. Yachi reached out her hand to open it, only for it to go flying open itself...

Yachi shrieked.

"Yacchan!" Tanaka said.

I swear to god, one day, Yachi will die because of these fricking boys. like give the baby a break ;(

Yachi awkwardly entered the gym, her boyfriend following behind.

"Hello, Shimizu-senpai!" Yachi said.

Shimizu looked at Yachi then at (M/N).

"Is this your boyfriend?" Shimizu asked.

Yachi nodded, blushed.

"Hello, I'm (L/N) (M/N)!" (M/N) introduced himself, waving.

"Shimizu Kiyoko. Yachi talks about you a lot."

"Awh! How cute, Hitoka talks about me!" (M/N) said smiling.

The volleyball boys were staring at the tall male who was talking to their managers. Tanaka and Nishinoya were making a fuss about this, Sugawara trying to calm them down.


Yachi, Hinata, and (M/N) were all walking together. Yachi, who didn't really introduce her boyfriend a practice left Hinata wondering who he was.

"Oi, Hinata, I'm Yachi's boyfriend."

Hinata got spooked, looking up at the (H/C) haired male.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry Hinata. I kinds forgot to introduce him at practice. This is (L/N) (M/N)." Yachi said, pointing at (M/N).

Hinata nodded, and they parted ways. Hinata riding off into the dark on his bike. (M/N) wrapped his arm around Yachi's arm, which he found a little difficult because Yachi was so short.

"Hitoka, you need to grow!" (M/N) whined.


"So I can wrap my arms around you easier!"

Yachi awkwardly smiled as they reached her apartment.

"You want dinner?" Yachi asked, taking out her key.

(M/N) nodded and stepped into the nice apartment. Yachi was surprised to see her mother.


Madoka turned around from what she was cooking on the stove, "Oh, Hitoka! How was sc-"

Madoka noticed (M/N) before she could finish her sentence, "You brought your boyfriend!"

"Hi, Ms. Madoka." (M/N) said, as he plopped himself down in one of the dining table chairs.

"Hi, (M/N). Anyways, how was school?"

Yachi was lowkey about to cry, she doesn't really spend time with her mom.

"It was good!" Yachi said, taking out plates and setting the table.

"You better be getting good grades!"

Madoka came over with the pot, setting it on the table. (M/N) looked at the bowl in front of him as Madoka filled it with Soba.

They all clapped their hands together, "Thank you for this meal!"

(M/N) quickly finished eating, and so did the others. Yachi and him were cleaning the plates.

"Done!" (M/N) said, putting away the last dish.

"Are you going now?"

"Yeah, it's getting late."

Yachi sadly nodded as she watched her boyfriend put on her shoes. They stood at the door in front of each other.

"See you tomorrow," Yachi said, looking up at him.

(M/N) grinned as he kissed Yachi on the cheek.

"Love you!" He said, running off.

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