2» that kiss

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Lucius's POV
« THEN »

I called Grace. She didn't pick up.

Which was unusual since she answered my calls every time. Only this time, she didn't. Which meant she must've been busy.

I vaguely remembered Mom telling me how Jordyn had kind of seemed busy this morning too. Maybe they were going somewhere for the weekend.

Frowning a little, I dragged a hand through my hair, pushing back my curls. If something's wrong, Grace would tell me. She always did.

Perhaps right now I should've been more focused on the big problem here--my bed. Tubes of paints were scattered around the sheets; little blotches of blues and greens were smeared everywhere.

Mom was going to be so mad. Which should've been normal by now since she knew how much I loved painting. Relied on it, more specifically. Smearing those paints everywhere was what I did all the time.

I looked over at the newly painted canvas in front of me and a smile formed on my lips. Something about those brush strokes--so full of colour--and making the blank canvases come to life had always made me so happy. It was a kind of excitement that made me feel alive.

That, and Grace.

Those felt like the two most important things in my life.

I glanced up at the clock and went towards my closet. Taking off my shirt, I shrugged on a black hoodie and moved towards the door before making sure to close the lights off once I was out.

Lights off and Mom won't pry in here. Usually, when I was done painting, I made sure to store the canvases in the space beside the closet doors. No one went past it. No one, not even Grace knew about that spot--well, almost.

"Mom, I'll be back by midnight," I shouted towards the kitchen before grabbing the car keys.

"Be safe, Luc." I heard her voice as I moved out towards the car. It was Dad's since I didn't have a license yet. Just one more year left but I still drove a lot.

Before going towards the car, I went to the house beside mine; Grace's house. Swinging open the fence, I stepped on the porch stairs and rang the doorbell. The familiar bell chimed as seconds passed by. No one answered at first, but right when I was about to press the bell for the second time, the door opened and Mrs Collins looked at me.

"Jordyn." I smiled at her. "Is Grace coming?"

"Gracie?" She looked behind her as if she had forgotten something. She looked tired, I noticed. Maybe even exhausted. "Oh, she left already. To that party, right?"

"Right." I nodded, the smile slowly falling from my lips. "Left with whom?"

Grace never left without me.

"Mason," Jordyn responded with a tired smile. I smiled back even when I didn't feel like it.

"Oh. I'll...get going too then."

"Sure, dear." She said before stepping back inside the house. "Be safe."

When I got inside my car, I was a little surprised to know that I felt angry. Not exactly angry, but upset, yeah.

Why had Grace gone with Mason of all people? They had dated for the past three months, sure, but she had just broken up with him. And I didn't necessarily have to like Mason, I realised as I wrapped my fingers around the steering wheel. Mason wasn't a nice guy. Always looking for new ways to steal my spot in the soccer team.

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