17» that crash

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Grace's POV
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I got late for school.

And that happened because I somehow didn't jerk awake like I usually did (especially since Alice was making it a habit to stop by my house and keep ringing the doorbell like a madman) and kept sleeping away. Which was a bit disconcerting because since when had I started relying on Alice?

I still couldn't understand why she'd chosen to be so nice to me. Offering me car rides whenever I wanted them, being there for me like we were some long-lost friends. It didn't settle well with me. Did she want something in return from me?

I was only left with a total of five minutes before my first class started, and I was a mess. Not like I wasn't a mess every other day. My insides were grumbling in protest as I stumbled out of my house, my bag in one hand and closing the front door with my other one.

The only thing I could've thought of, without wanting to puke my guts out, was a decent cup of coffee. I was actually looking forward to it.


I whipped around so fast that I couldn't really stop knocking my elbow into the person behind me.  Who, as I realised a bit belatedly, was Fraser.

"Aw fuck." He groaned, rubbing the side of his stomach.

"Why would you do that?" I hissed. "Why would you creep up on me? For fuck's sake--"

"Geez, I don't remember you being so violent." A small grin overtook his fake hurt expression.

My glare didn't seem to lessen, though. He was the last person I was expecting to see right now. Heck, he was the last person I wanted in Hayward right now.

"Or actually...who am I kidding?" He added. "You've always been like this."

And could I blame him really? Fraser might've been the only guy on this planet who knew how badly my punches hurt when I was pissed. Which I usually was at him.

"I don't have time for this," I told him and turned back around, trying to lock the door as fast as I could. I also wished he'd go away. Because I really, really didn't like him standing so close behind me.

"Ah, that's exactly what I meant to say, Grace." He replied. "I don't have time for this either."

Ignore, I told myself, and leave.

"Alice sent me here. She's ditching school today and she felt guilty." I gave him a look over my shoulder and watched him scrunch his nose. I forced myself to look away. "For not being able to give you a ride to school."

"I can walk." I tried sidestepping him but he blocked my way.

"I know. But we're both already late."

"I can walk, Fraser," I repeated with a glare this time.

His eyes widened a little, hands raised in surrender as if dealing with a three-year-old who was about to throw a massive tantrum. "But I don't want to walk."

Jesus. "I meant, I can fucking walk myself. What's the problem with you anyway?" I exclaimed.

"Oh come on, Gracie. I have a car. And I can give you a ride."

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