60» That Loss

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Grace's POV
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Somewhere between the night, I jolted awake once again, looking around me. It took me seconds to remember where I was and the churning feeling in my stomach came again. My throat felt dried up and I felt so thirsty, maybe even scared. But nothing changed.

At least that's what I thought.

Until I checked up on Jack and Alice and realized that there was only Jack in here with me.

"Alice?" I spoke up in a groggy voice but got no response.

I slowly rose up my hand along the wall behind me, looking for the light switch. I flipped it twice and the bulb flickered for a few seconds, enough for me to realize that Jack and I were really the only ones here in this cell.

Alice wasn't where I had last seen her.

I tried to see if the metal bars were opened, but they weren't; they were still locked. I heard muffled sounds along some distance and I curled up beside Jack, sudden dread and fear clawing my insides.

Alice wasn't here. They took her.

Between the time I was sleeping, they must've taken Alice and I didn't even notice.

I closed my eyes shut after that, gripping my hair and pressing my forehead against my pulled up knees. I didn't know where she was, I didn't even know if it was morning yet. This place was creeping me out so much more than that white room.

I inhaled deeply, wanting to scream out loud, but my throat felt too dry and scratchy to do that. I looked up once again, hoping that Alice would somehow be there. But she wasn't. Her spot was still empty.

I found myself crawling over towards the grill door, curling my fingers around the rusty metal bars. I reached out with my fingers to touch the lock, resting them on the keyhole.

I tried searching around for anything small and sharp, to open that lock. But there was absolutely nothing in here. I even had no bobby pins stuck up in my real hair, or my wig.

Pulling my hands away in defeat, I slid back beside Jack and looked around the eerie darkness.

"Jack." I whispered, gripping his hand and giving it a shake. "Jack, Jack please open your eyes."

I was freaking out and anybody could've seen that. I didn't even know how Jack managed to stay in here, in this dark empty place for more than two years. It wasn't even the next day and it was starting to drive me insane.

"Jack, please." I sounded too desperate and I felt horrible. "Please talk to me."

I wanted so desperately to know that I wasn't alone in here. Even Alice wasn't here anymore.

"Jack." I gripped his forearm and gave it a shake. When he didn't respond at all, I ended up leaning my forehead down on his shoulder. "Jack, I'm so scared."

And that wasn't even a lie.

What if they killed Alice?

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