47» That Promise

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Grace's POV
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"I brought you something to eat." Marleen said as she entered the hospital room.

I looked up from my hands and managed to give her a small smile. She returned back the smile, holding the food tray and placing it on the table where another food tray was—untouched since I hadn't eaten much.

"Grace." She started, coming over and sitting down on the bed in front of me. I leaned back against the pillows and looked at her. "You really should eat something."

She looked exhausted. I wanted to ask her if she had slept last night, or the night before that.

Almost two days since I had woken up and I didn't know why the doctor wasn't letting me leave. He told me not to worry and just rest. Which to be honest, made me worry more.

"I...don't want to." I told her. Mainly because I'd throw it up, and I really didn't want to. Throwing up made you feel exhausted from the inside and I already felt like that.

"I know you don't." She smiled, facing me before picking up the bowl of hot soup. "But you need to get better, don't you? You've been missing out on school too."

That just made me furrow my brows.

"How's Frost doing?" I asked her before taking the bowl from her hands and slowly taking a spoon, sipping the hot liquid.

"Missing you, of course." She shook her head slightly, still smiling. "Though Alice sometimes offers to take care of him when I'm not in the house. Since Luc's been staying here too."

I looked down at the soup. It tasted fine, so I ate another spoon of it.

"I thought about bringing him here but I don't think the other staff would appreciate it." She shrugged. "And you know Frost. He gets...excited when he sees people."

Frost had been staying at her house this entire time. I did want to see him but then again, she was right. Bringing him here wasn't the best option.

I nodded, licking my lips. "You should tell...Lucius to stop staying here. He doesn't have to stay here."

She raised her brows slightly, letting her eyes wander away from me. "You and I both know how that's not possible."

I looked up at her from the bowl of soup, touching the spoon lightly against my lips.

"He wants to make sure you're fine before he leaves." She added.

"I am fine."

"Completely fine." She corrected.

I hadn't even realized how quick the soup got finished halfway. So I pushed the bowl away. I didn't want to eat it all, in case I threw it up later.


She let out a small questioning hum, seeming distracted by something.

"I'm really grateful for what you're doing for me. You and...Lucius." I started. She broke off from her thoughts and looked back at me. "I'm just saying that...I will take this from here. I mean, I can pay the hospital bills. You don't—You don't have to keep a watch on me or worry for me."

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