43» That Daze

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Grace's POV
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"She was quite hard to fool." I heard a familiar voice. "But nonetheless, not that hard."

I slowly blinked open my eyes, feeling the familiar pressure of the leather ropes tied around my wrists and ankles.


It must've been days.

"Ah, she's awake." It wasn't Cynthia's voice. Even though I was sure she was here in the room, it wasn't her voice.

Fully awake, I raised my head and saw Cynthia already looking at me. However this time, her auburn hair were up in a neat bun.

My gaze traveled from her to the man beside her, probably in his fifties. His face seemed familiar, almost as if I had seen him somewhere before. In a picture. His blond hair were combed back against his scalp, almost in a disgusting way.

Everyone in this department was freakingly disgusting.

"Morning, Grace." Cynthia chirped up, looking quite ecstatic to be standing beside that man, who was registering me with a narrowed gaze. "Now that you have woken up, it's finally time you meet Mr Burner."

I started struggling again. "Let me go, you psycho!"

Cynthia's eyes widened as if I shouldn't have said that. But the man –Mr Burner– smiled at that, almost in a knowing way. Which just made my insides twist themselves.

"You are like him, Ms Collins." He spoke up in a smooth voice, stuffing his hands in his coat's pockets. "Quite stubborn."

Cynthia stayed quiet as he came towards me, a sort of brooding aura surrounding him. He was tall and since I wasn't even sitting up, he towered easily over me.

I just glared at him. "You killed my parents. You'll regret it so much. I really mean it."

He laughed at that, the sound echoing lightly against the white walls. "I don't see how a...pathetically weak girl like you can do any harm to me. But then again, we aren't here to insult anyone."

I really, really felt like punching him. Right this second.

"Where is Jack?" I spoke up. "What the hell have you done with him?"

Now that he was close, I noticed the mad –almost wild– look in his grey eyes. Like a fucking madman.

Maybe he really was.

"Let's just say...your brother hates the dark." He passed Cynthia a knowing look. She just cracked a smile at that.

As if this was supposed to sound like a freaking joke.

I remembered back to the picture I had found in my kitchen. The day after that fire in my house. My heart clenched when I remembered the fear on Jack's face and that darkness around him.

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