10» that mess

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Grace's POV
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I didn't know how long I slept. All I remember was resting my head against the classroom window, and the next instant I was being woken up when someone called out my name.

"Ms Collins!" It was Mr Walker. And there was most definitely anger in the way he said my name.

I straightened up and the textbook--that had previously been on my lap--fell down, making me jump a little. Mr Walker looked pissed by the time I looked at him. And not just him, but the whole class was staring at me now. Some were even snickering.

Heat trailed up my face and my neck. God, why had I dozed off? I should've known better.

"I suppose you do know that you shouldn't sleep between classes?" Mr Walker asked.

I licked the dryness off my lips and shrunk back in my seat. What if he gave me detention? The look on his face did say detention.

"I...I'm sorry." It was just a whisper that escaped my lips. He probably didn't even hear it.

This wouldn't have happened if I had slept last night. But I hadn't, not after the little incident yesterday with that dead girl. It had felt impossible to even close my eyes.

"Sleeping in my class is not something I tolerate, Ms Collins." He stated sternly. I heard a few giggles from the girls in front of me. "Do you even know what I was lecturing about a few seconds ago?"

I didn't. I didn't know. I could've felt people staring at me, and it was probably one of the most horrible feelings ever.

"Get out and wash your face." He shook his head in disbelief. "And do meet me after class."

Get out. Blinking, I looked down at my desk, then at my lap. My hands, I realised, looked so pale.

"Leave the classroom, Ms Collins, so that I can continue the lecture."

I winced and picked up my bag in one hand, and my textbook in another, before getting up. Then trying my best to ignore the snickers and the stares, I left the classroom.

And I didn't stop there. I kept walking and walking past the empty hallway, trying to wave off the embarrassment and shame. What had I been thinking?

I pushed open the restroom door and stumbled inside an empty stall. Closing the door behind me, I leaned back against it before sliding down on the floor.

I needed, I thought, I needed to get my shit together.

My bag fell out of my grasp and my textbook fell with a small thud. Pulling my knees up against my chest, I pressed my forehead on them, breathing heavily, and scrunching my eyes close.

"Okay," I whispered. "Okay."

This wasn't how I'd planned any of this to go. Not this insanely. Why the hell had I even slept in between a freaking lecture? Why couldn't I just do something right for once?

The pent-up frustration and anger and embarrassment slowly seeped out of me in the form of hot tears. I sniffled and slid my fingers into my hair, gripping them.

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