54» That Prank

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« THEN »

The first time Lucius ever pranked Grace was the only time he ever pranked anyone. And really, it was no fun at all.

It all started that day when Grace was busy helping out her school librarian with arranging the books into the old brown shelves. Since it was Lucius's free period too, Grace had somehow convinced him to help her.

Grace loved helping out old Mrs Henderson –the librarian– whenever she could've. Not because she loved reading and spending time here in the library, but mainly because Mrs Henderson was just really sweet. And really helpful whenever Grace somehow ended up punching random assholes in the school hallways.

Most of the time, it just took Mrs Henderson a few words to persuade the Principal to not call Grace's mom whenever that happened.

"Is it necessary, though?" Grace spoke up as she placed two leatherbound books up in one shelf while Lucius leaned against the trolley, tracing his fingers along the spines of the books. "To attend that Carnival."

"It's mandatory for you to attend it." Lucius replied, his eyes trained at Grace.

Grace looked at him with a confused frown. "Why me?"

"You're the best friend of one of the school's soccer teammates." He replied. "And since this whole event is a fundraiser to buy the new soccer equipment, I think it's necessary that you attend it."

Grace tried pondering over his words but ended up dismissing it with a wave of her hand as she turned back around to the shelves. "That doesn't even make sense."

"Does it need to make sense?" Lucius asked with a smile. "You come with me wherever I go. That's enough reasoning."

Grace picked up a book from the trolley and searched for its genre. "I guess you're right."

Lucius's smile didn't leave his face, even though he felt a little guilty of his true intentions behind this. But then again, it wasn't exactly his fault that he had lost a bet with one of his other friends. And as a consequence, he was told to prank Grace. "I'm always right, Rose."

Later that day, almost after evening, Lucius drove them both to the Carnival that was mostly set up by the school's soccer team. And really, it looked amazing. The place was almost flooded with people, mostly from school. There were so many booths and rides, lights and laughter filling the entire area.

Grace, on the other hand, thought the opposite.

"I'm feeling claustrophobic." Grace murmured with a concerned frown as she hugged her black coat closer against her chest. Among the numerous crowd, she couldn't spot a single familiar face other than Lucius's who was right beside her.

Even though Lucius thought that all the arrangements were pretty cool, he couldn't help but get a bit tense. Not that Grace noticed it, she was too busy making sure not to slam into someone.

"You're not claustrophobic, Rose." Lucius spoke up.

"You never know." She whispered in response, her eyes glued at the crowd around her. "So...where are we going first?"

Lucius looked around before his eyes stopped at one of the craziest rides. He grinned and before Grace could've realized what he was getting at, he gripped her hand and started heading for it.

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