16» that midnight

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Grace's POV
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I wasn't expecting Bridgeview Street to look so old. And not just old, but it seemed like the most worn-out place in the whole city. Colourful graffiti covering most of the walls, there weren't many people out here.

Or maybe that was just because it was nighttime right now.

I pushed back a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and looked around the isolated road. There were houses at some distance but they looked mostly abandoned.

This explained why the cab driver had given me an odd look when I'd asked him to drop me here. He probably thought I was out of my goddamned mind to come here alone.

Inhaling deeply, I kept on walking, my senses on high alert as if expecting someone or something to jump out at any given second. This whole entire section of the town didn't seem normal at all, and there was no way I'd be finding people with good intentions here. What had Papa even wanted from here?

When I neared the corner of the street, I took a turn and headed behind the alley. The path turned even narrower and I found myself doubting my actions a little more than before.

This isn't right, Grace. But before I could've stopped walking, I neared the end and saw a small house constructed right there, almost hidden under the utter darkness. It seemed to be the only house in the distance, albeit the most unwelcoming, as I stared at it, contemplating.

"Don't back off," I murmured under my breath, a constant reminder to keep going. I had to keep going. If this can get me some answers...

I took out my phone and breathed out a shudder, my finger hovering over 911. Just one press if I encountered any sort of danger. Clutching my phone in my hand, I slowly went towards the old, rusty front door. Wild grass covered almost the entire area around the house. I searched around for a doorbell but found none.

It didn't look like anyone lived there. Would ringing the doorbell even matter?

Looking around once more anxiously, I stepped closer to one of the dusty windows at the other end. Then I cupped my hands around the glass and tried squinting my eyes to get a better look at what was inside.

It was pitch dark inside, darker than it was out where I was standing. A dark room. Maybe the living room? I could hardly make out the walls.

Pressing my face closer against the cool glass, I looked around for anyone. I couldn't see anyone. The constant hopeless feeling gnawed in my stomach. I came here for nothing. Just like I went to that party for nothing.

Out of absolutely nowhere, a face appeared right in front of me, both of us separated from just that glass window.

I staggered back in horror, a noise escaping my lips as I stumbled back. It was probably the sudden adrenaline rush that made me step away from that window and the old man--who was still glaring at me from behind that window.

I blinked in shock and my heart raced wildly. Holy hell.

And then I saw him stepping away from the window, probably to head for the front door and come out.

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