32» That Person

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Grace's POV
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"—I gave him my heart, and he took and pinched it to death; and flung it back to me. People feel with their hearts, Ellen, and since he has destroyed mine, I have not power to feel for him." Alice read.

I looked at her and raised my brows. "You should go for theater arts, you know."

Her serene expression morphed into a grin. "I know. My mom...she says I'm a bit too dramatic for my age. Which I am, I guess."

I gave her a small smile and rubbed my face with my hands, trying to wipe off the exhaustion as well. The whole classroom was filled up with murmurs as Mr Davis walked around, motivating everyone for the assignment he had given us.

I looked down at my book.

Wuthering Heights.

"Am I the only one who hasn't actually read this book?" Alice asked in a hushed whisper, just so Mr Davis wouldn't hear her.

I shrugged in response. I had only read the first half of it, but I did know what happened throughout the book. I knew the start, I knew the end.

"How did your cheerleading practice go today?" I asked her, mainly trying to talk about something else other than the novel in our hands. I wasn't a fan of literature, but it had seemed appealing back when I was choosing my subjects.

"Oh, it was fine. Though there wasn't one second when Natalie wasn't chatting about her mysterious boyfriend." She told me with an eye roll. Alice rarely did eye rolls.

I smiled at that.

I had known that Natalie would be getting on her nerves sooner or later.

"She was constantly bragging on and on about how hot he is. And how amazing he is. And blah blah." She leaned back against her chair.

I saw Mr Davis walking over towards another pair, a boy and a girl on my right, reviewing the points they had jotted down on the paper. When I looked back at Alice, I noticed that she was giving me a weird look now; her eyes squinted and her brows furrowed together as she looked at me.


"Nothing." She looked away. There was clearly something on her tongue that she wasn't spilling.

I frowned at that. Strangely, she remained silent, looking over at the board.

"As different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire." She murmured, repeating the words Mr Davis had written on the board. Then she looked at me again. "It was Lucius, wasn't it?"

I blinked, slightly taken aback. "What?"

"You went out of town with him."

I inhaled slowly, not sure where she was getting at. I didn't even know how I'd explain this to her. I really didn't want to. Especially since Luca and I hadn't parted ways...in a nice way yesterday.

"Why did you stop being best friends?" She asked, straightening up and looking at me with questioning eyes.

"We...didn't." I scrunched up my nose lightly.

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