24» That Pup

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Grace's POV
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"Brace yourself, Gracie." Fraser spoke with a grin.

I looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

He chose not to reply this time. Instead, he just opened up the white door of the small shelter.

For one whole second, I just stood there, not sure what was happening, until I started hearing small faint barks. And then almost out of nowhere, several small puppies came out of the small shelter.

Right at me.

Which kind of took me off guard. I stumbled back a little, trying to steady myself. But when two of those small puppies literally pounced on me, I lost my footing and fell down.

I heard Fraser's laugh from somewhere around the overwhelming crowd of puppies near me. "I told you to brace yourself." He said before picking one up from my lap.

I was about to frown when one small puppy, a blue eyed husky, barked excitedly and licked the side of my face.

"Geez, calm down." I laughed, trying to pull away. But the other puppies were literally all around me.

"They all like you." Fraser laughed again before sitting down in front of me. Thankfully, some of them left and ran towards him. "Especially that one." He pointed at the blue eyed husky who was still trying to lick my face.

Dog drool was never one of the nicest things.

But that puppy was so adorable that I couldn't have pushed it away. Instead, I picked the small pup in my hands as it barked.

"This is an amazing way for passing the time." I said.

"What? You want to go somewhere else?" He narrowed his eyes. "Who will take care of these babies?"

I laughed at that. "God, Fraser. You're just as weird as Alice."

"No wonder you enjoy my company." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes at that. I hadn't known where he had been planning to take me once he'd convinced me to tag along with him after school. I hadn't known he'd bring me here.

No way in hell had I thought that there would be these many cute puppies here.

"Do you come here more often?" I asked him. I never expected Fraser to be the dog type.

"Yeah." He nodded. I looked down and realized that another small puppy, a black one, was busy chewing onto my hoodie. "I thought you'd like this."

"I do like them." I replied, gently pulling off the black pup from my hoodie. The husky pup barked loudly, nudging my knee with its snout.

Sometimes, pups were way better than real people.

"I'm glad to know that." Fraser commented. "Even though I know how difficult it's going to be once you'll have to leave."

"What do you mean?" The blue eyed pup was really, really trying to get my attention. And that was the cutest thing ever.

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