13» that attic

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Grace's POV
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"If you catch a guy staring at you, does that mean he likes you?" Alice asked me as we both walked across the school hallway, towards my locker in particular.

Unlocking it, I spared Alice a glance. "I don't know. Maybe?"

There was a tiny furrow in between her brows--so much unlike the constant grin that occupied her lips--as she stuffed her hands in her yellow hoodie pockets. I'd barely spent two weeks with her and I was already aware of how much she loved colours--vibrant ones especially.

"There's this guy who stares at me a lot." She continued as I took out my Biology textbook.

"That's creepy," I whispered under my breath.

"Maybe. But since he's cute, him staring at me is totally fine."

She was gushing, I realised. "Why don't you ask him?" I suggested.

"That why does he stare at me? God, Grace, give me some proper advice. I'd sound even creepier than his actions."

I closed my locker and started to head for class. Alice followed me like an eager puppy. "Anyway, aside from that...what exactly happened that night?"

I gave her a sideways glance.

"Saturday night." She added.

I shrugged, because what else was I supposed to say?

"You disappeared, Grace. I searched for you everywhere. The least you could've done for my sorry drunk ass was pick up my calls."

I grimaced. "Sorry. I forgot--I was, well, tired. So I left. I know I should've told you before leaving."

Alice sighed. "It's all right." She gave me a soft pat on my back. "Just don't ditch me like that again."

As if I'd known.

Biology went on normally at first, like most of my classes were going. Unlike that Chemistry class, I didn't sleep in between the lecture, which was honest to god relieving since I didn't need any more embarrassing moments like such.

Everyone was busy scribbling notes in the journals while I rested my elbows on my desk, breathing out a heavy sigh, and trying to concentrate on the words coming out of Mrs Jones' mouth.

"...yes, and a pair report sounds just about right for this topic. Choose any two drugs from the list and form a report on all the subtopics that we've covered today." She addressed the class. "So, you have to team up in pairs for that."

Obviously. Which truly sucked. Because I didn't want to pair up with anyone in this classroom. I knew many, thanks to our small town, but I was clearly no fan of the way they all passed me those odd, curious looks. Ever since I returned, all I wished sometimes was to just become invisible.

In the meantime, Mrs Jones carried on announcing the pairs. "Marie and Frank. And Marie, please do make sure Frank participates too. Diane and Anna..."

For the next few seconds, it was just an atmosphere full of calling out names and murmurs of people. Until all were done, already scooting their desks together, and I was the only one left.

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