44» That Horror

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« THEN »

It was raining heavily.

And Grace could not believe that she was standing in front of the Moonsgate Cemetery. A cemetery few blocks ahead of the downtown alleys. A very creepy cemetery indeed.

The only sound Grace could hear right now was the harsh pattering of raindrops against her blue umbrella. And her ragged breaths since she had practically walked out here from her house.

"I cannot believe I'm doing this." She whispered to herself before forcing her legs to start moving again, going inside the cemetery threshold.

Good thing that there weren't any locked metal gates out here in the cemetery. It was opened almost every time. Mainly because people knew how better it was to just stay away.

Not because of the numerous graves -although we must always respect the dead- but people mostly stayed away because of the old cemetery sexton. He was a really grumpy man. And he had a thing for taking random strolling teenagers straight to the police department.

Which to be honest, was just behind this cemetery.

Yet, thirteen year old Grace still found herself walking inside the cemetery, the opened gates behind her. Her sneakers made squishy noises as she walked along the rocky pavement. She would've worn her rain boots but it had all been so quick.

Just a simple text from Lucius,

Moonsgate Cemetery. I need to talk.

That's all he had said. Grace would've called him since cemeteries really weren't her thing, especially at nights, nights with heavy raining.

But then again, Lucius had been acting quite distant lately, and this may have been the first time for such behavior of his. He seemed extra busy in his soccer practice. Grace could hardly remember if they both had even spent few hours together the past week. Or this week either.

She could've asked him. After all, they were best friends. But she felt like she was probably just over thinking. If something was wrong, Lucius would've told her.

Until now. Now that she received that message, she had rushed out of her house and ran to that cemetery. It had taken a little hardwork to convince her mom that she was just going to the nearest supermarket, to get some important things.

But she was here now. Inside the cemetery.

Looking around the darkness, Grace pulled out her phone and switched on the flashlight. All she saw were some gravestones along some distance and the untamed grass. Fortunately, she didn't see the familiar old sexton. And unfortunately, she didn't see Lucius either.

"Luca, Luca, Luca." She whispered, looking around. "Where the hell are you?"

This could just be a prank. But then again, Luca never pulled pranks on her. Lucius never pulled pranks on anyone. It was always her pulling pranks on her friends.

Then why had he called her here?

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