48» That Misery

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^^ special thanks to starlightwriting for the beautiful cover above ♥

Lucius's POV
« NOW »

I was met with loud music the moment I entered the old looking apartment doors, which clearly did not look old from the inside.

Stepping inside, I slowed down my pace and looked around the numerous heads. This place was big, yet it was still cramped up with these people.

I was not surprised, though. This place looked like a typical club, and clubs like such were always filled after midnight.

Since I couldn't find the person I came here for, I went over towards the bar and sat down on one of the silver bar stools. For some reason, I could feel my head pounding along with the loud music. Probably because of how fucking tired I felt right now.

"Something to drink?" I looked up and saw a red haired girl narrowing her gaze at me, from the other side of the bar counter.

Everything inside me was protesting to get some sleep. I was even willing to sleep here against this bar counter if I had a choice. But I had to remind myself that I was not here for that.

The red haired girl wiped her hands on her apron and raised her pierced brows at me, waiting.

"Yeah. A bottle of water." I nodded, looking back towards the dancing crowd. Girls in short dresses, boys in typical jeans and shirts.

Why was it that I always ended up in such bars?

I closed my eyes briefly to clear my head with the sudden neon lights. Few more minutes here and I'm sure I'd be having a really bad headache.

"Here you go." The girl came back, placed a bottle of water in front of me, and left to serve somebody else.

I opened up the cap and gulped down the cold water. Hopefully, this would help and keep the drowsiness away. At least until I did what I was here for.

"Lucius!" A cheerful voice came from somewhere behind me.

Frowning a little, I turned around and looked at a very much unfamiliar girl. Her long dark hair fell down her shoulders in smooth waves, a short black dress hugging her body.

"I didn't know you come to this bar too." The way she batted her long eyelashes at me, that made me frown even more.

Was I supposed to know who she was?

Her eyes widened a little as if she had heard the obvious question in my head. "You do remember who I am, right?" She asked, pouting her dark red lips.

"Uh, yeah." I lied, eyeing her before sipping some more water.

The seductive smile came back again and I realized that I may have seen her before. In Welsh's Bar maybe?

"So..." She stepped forward, towering over me since I was the one sitting down. "...what brings you here?"

This is why I hated going over to any bar after midnight, especially when I was sleep deprived. However, before I could've said anything, she stepped closer and wrapped one of her slim arms around my neck.

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