63» That Acceptance

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Grace's POV
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The first time I tried waking up, I couldn't breathe. There was just darkness around me and I couldn't breathe. My head was brimming with an intense pain and it felt like my lungs were on fire.

The second time I tried waking up, the burning pain was gone. It felt extremely hard to open my eyes though, almost as if an invisible force was keeping them shut. I felt way too exhausted to care about my surroundings.

The third time I woke up, things were a bit better. I couldn't feel the pain. The drowsiness was gone. When I managed to open my eyes, the lights felt too bright, so much so that a small inaudible wince escaped my lips. I took my time adjusting to the white light, not even sure where I was.

Then I heard the unmistakable beeping sounds of machines around me and a small groan escaped my lips.

I didn't like this place. Not even a bit.


I closed my eyes back again, hoping that whoever it was would know that I wasn't conscious yet. I didn't want to sit up and talk to anyone. I didn't even want to remember why I was here –in a hospital– in the first place.

Maybe I was feeling like that because of the drugs I was on right now. I felt numb and I just didn't want to talk.

"I saw her moving a bit." The same person said in a scared, hushed whisper and I'm sure it wasn't directed at me. "I swear."

I heard a small shuffle and someone came to my left, warm fingers pressing against my wrist; checking my pulse.

I wasn't dead.

Why wasn't I dead?

"The pulse rate is...normal. I think we should wait a bit until she wakes up." This was an unfamiliar voice. "I'll go and call the doctor."

I opened my eyes once again and winced again at the bright light, this time it was loud and the only two people around me heard it.


I blinked twice before gripping the sheets over me and sitting up. I was kind of thankful that the nurse helped, or I was sure I would've fallen down again. My whole body felt like jello.

"Oh, thank God." I looked up and saw Alice. She wasn't covered in dirt and grime anymore, but she still looked as sickly pale with worry as she'd seem back...back there.

I refrained myself from looking around the hospital room. Besides me, it was just Alice and that nurse in the room. I think I despised hospitals more than anything.

Ironic that I always ended up here.

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" The nurse gave me a small smile.

I didn't smile back, though. I blinked at her in response. My mind felt blank at this moment, as if someone had literally sucked out all the thoughts, questions and emotions from it.

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