29» That Breakdown

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Grace's POV
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I didn't know where I was going. Luca didn't stop me either. We both knew how badly I needed some space at that moment.

Of course, I wasn't leaving Pennsylvania. I wasn't that crazy. But everything that had happened back there with Chase, that frustrated me. It angered me more than anything.

I closed my eyes and leaned back against the concrete wall. I had somehow managed to creep up in an empty alleyway, not knowing where I was actually going. I slid down against the wall, wrapping my arms around myself.

I didn't know what to do. If they knew about my parents, all they told me were secrets that they were hiding from me. That's it.

Dad had been hiding something.

Why would he hide something? We had a perfect family. He loved us. He loved Mom and me and Jack. Everything was fine.

I kept sitting there for the next few minutes, or maybe for an hour. I didn't know the time. It was just me, this empty alleyway, and a full moon glowing right above me.

What if I never find those answers?

I shook my head out of those miserable thoughts and stood up. The sudden anger had left me completely till then. All there was left behind was a tired, lonely feeling.

I started making my way back to the hotel.

It took me few minutes to reach the familiar building and when I did, I was glad to feel the warmth enveloping me. I was tired and exhausted and my legs were aching from the long walk back.

I walked towards the elevator, the whole waiting area empty except for the receptionist who was talking to someone on her phone. Very cheerfully.

Some secrets are better left in hiding.

When I was in front of the room's door, I inhaled deeply and slowly opened it. Getting inside, I closed the door and locked it quietly.

The man in black. Someone who isn't to be messed with.

I went inside and saw Luca lying on the bed, his arm draped over his eyes. He was already asleep.

Looking at him, I felt a surge of guilt go through me. I hadn't seen him sleep since we came here, and that was all because of me. He had done everything to get me here, to talk to Chase, and I had gotten nothing at all from this.

A slight ache formed in my forehead. I pushed back those thoughts yet once again and took off my shoes, picking up some clothes to change into.

When I was changed into a soft hoodie and pajama bottoms, I went over towards the lamps and switched them off. The room fell under darkness. The faint moonlight coming from the glass window was enough for me to find my way towards the bed.

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