21» That Surprise

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Grace's POV
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"This is amazing." That was all Alice had to say once we were at the Carnival, in between probably thousands of people.

But she didn't seem to mind that, even if one of her arms were wrapped up in a big white bandage. Which was also covered with colorful autographs.

I wasn't surprised.

Alice had managed to make a lot of friends here in such a short period of time. A lot of them came to visit her at the hospital—the main reason why I couldn't see a single white spot left on her plaster.

"Maybe we should get something to eat first." Fraser suggested, pointing towards the crammed up arcade looking restaurant. "And then we can check out the rides."

That, was totally a messed up suggestion. Mainly because I knew that we'd be puking our guts out if we ate first. I had experienced that. But I wasn't pointing that out, especially when Alice nodded eagerly.

Soon, we found ourselves in the crowded arcade. The place was filled up with people and I was starting to feel claustrophobic.

"So, I know Fraser asked you out for this." Alice said the moment Fraser left to get us something to eat. I didn't feel hungry but I knew both of them wouldn't take that as an excuse. "Do you like him?"

I knew that was coming. Not entirely. But well, when it concerned Alice, anything could come your way.

"No." I kept it short, but then I saw Alice's crestfallen look. "You don't just fall in love with the guy who bullied you throughout your childhood."

Alice laughed at that. "You know he has changed, right?"

A lot of people had changed. So many changes. For once, I wished somebody had remained the same.

"I know." I murmured, looking at the group of guys in the corner, taking swigs of their beers and cheering each other up for God knows what.

"All right. If Fraser isn't your type, which I really thought he'd be, what is your type?" She asked, looking at me with sudden interest.

I straightened my hoodie over my jeans. No way in hell was I looking forward to answer that question.

"Dating anyone or even liking someone right now isn't one of my priorities, Alice." I told her. "I don't even remember the last time I went out with a guy."

And I was completely fine with that. There was so much going on in my life right now, so much that I had to figure out.

"Really?" She whispered in surprise. "But you're pretty."

I gave her a blank look at that. Her eyes just seem to widen, "I mean that, Grace. There are rarely people out here with blonde hair and so many girls wish they were like you." She said. "I have been a witness to the looks guys give you in school hallways."

At that point, I knew it was clear exaggeration—something Alice loved doing a lot. That's why I laughed, "Can you not?"

She laughed at that too. "But hey, I wasn't lying. Some guys do give you the look. And besides that, Fraser likes you. I know that."

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