15» that reminder

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Grace's POV
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I needed to get a job.

And I realized the utmost need for it when I noticed the wads of cash Aunt Kiera had left me with finishing off. Not entirely, but I knew it wasn't going to last long. And it wasn't like I could've contacted Aunt Keira again, which I knew she wouldn't respond to, just to ask for some more money.

I couldn't. She'd already been annoyed enough with me, even for the short time I'd lived with her.

I still remembered the barely concealed relief on her face when I'd told her I was leaving back for Hayward. She hadn't shed a single tear when they'd told her about Mum and Dad, and how they were found dead. I didn't even think she cared. It'd been a bit hopeless, to have no one who could've shared my grief when every bit of normal was ripped to shreds from my life.

Maybe if things had been a little different...

The next few days went by fast as I searched for jobs around town between my classes and the very little time that I refused to spend moping in my house.

"Did I introduce you to my cousin?" Alice asked as I closed my locker, stuffing my books inside my bag. "I didn't! How could I have not?"

I switched on my phone and looked at the time. Only half an hour left before I had to reach the local bar where I'd somehow managed to get a job. Not a permanent one, unfortunately. I was to work there until the employee who'd been at my place--she took a leave for a few months--returned.

"You didn't," I murmured Alice's words unconsciously, glancing at the school grounds as everyone filed out. Exhaustion nagged at my eyelids, but I didn't have time.

"Oh, then I'll introduce you to him right now." Alice cheered up, linking her arm through mine. She'd seemed plenty joyful since this morning--ever since she found out that she'd made it to the cheerleading team.

It warmed me a little when I'd realised I was the first person she'd told the news to. And I was happy for her. At least one of us was getting something from life.

"I...can't right now," I told her. "I've got very little time to waste, Alice. Maybe later?"

"We won't be wasting any time, Grace." I was corrected. And it was obviously a no since Alice continued dragging me towards the end of the parking lot. "You need to come out of your shell and meet new people."

I looked at her in bewilderment. I needed to come out of my what?

"If you're doing this to boost up my lack of confidence--"

"Of course, not." She said. "I just think you two would get along well."

I gave her a look. "Get along well?"

"Well my aunt's family moved to Ireland, but they used to live here before. My cousin spent his childhood here."

"Really?" I asked, switching on my phone again and taking a quick peek at the screen.

Alice stopped and I did too, and she nodded, looking around the parking lot. Fortunately, there were no cars left except hers, and I didn't spot any sort of a cousin figure either.

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