25» That Darkness

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Grace's POV
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"Took you quite long to come back." Luca said.

I frowned at him, backing against my slightly opened front door.

"I...was busy." I said, my heart still beating fast. I always hated when people crept up on me. It always took me off guard.

I hated that feeling.

"I didn't ask you what you were doing." His gaze lingered over me before he looked away, stuffing his hands in his black hoodie.

I couldn't not frown at that. Luca never liked black. But lately, whenever I saw him, it was mostly that color he wore. As if he didn't care about those colors now.

He loved colors. He loved painting.

A strange ache bloomed inside my chest at that thought. I remembered his love for paints. He loved it more than anything.

Did he not paint anymore?

"I was waiting for you." He said.

I looked at him in surprise. "Why?"

He looked back at me then. His gaze narrowing a bit before it trailed off to my slightly opened front door. "I found Chase's location."

Sudden disappointment filled me out of nowhere, or maybe it was just the exhaustion. "You did?" I straightened up. "Where is he?"

Luca's eyes flew back over me before he raked a hand through his curls, making my eyes trail off towards them.

"Pennsylvania." He said, before his gaze narrowed even further. "Where are your parents?"

My eyes widened a little at that. "What?"

"Where are your parents?" He repeated, looking quite patient than the other times he was around me, which was not normal. I felt my palms getting sweaty as my heart raced.

"In...Manhattan." I said, my voice sounding small even to my own ears. That was the truth. They were there.

They were in Manhattan.

His eyebrows raised up slightly. "Right. I thought...they came back with yo—" I was shaking my head way before he could've finished that sentence.

"Yeah. Um—" I spoke up, changing the topic. "Where in Pennsylvania, though?"

Thankfully, he just blew out a sigh and stepped back. "Philadelphia. And if you really need to talk to him, you need to leave now."

"Now?" I asked in surprise. "I can't go now."

"Of course, you can." He stared at me before taking another step back. "I'll take you there."

To say I wasn't surprised would be wrong. Extremely wrong. Because he was the last person I was expecting to say that, right now out of all the times.

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