30» That Cake

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« THEN »

"Jack, stop it!" Grace glared at her younger brother who just gave her a cute little frown in response.

Gripping the big red bowl, she pulled it towards her, away from Jack's reach. "Gracie!"

"No, shut up!" She gave him another glare. Grace was aware of a small snicker from right in front of her. "I'm trying to bake a cake, Jack! Can you not continuously poke your finger in the batter?"

Lucius gave another snicker at that, scrolling down on his phone.

"But I wanna taste it!" Jack frowned some more at her.

Jack was being a serious pain in the ass. Thinking how better it was to just ignore him, Grace picked up the bowl of the chocolaty brown batter and moved towards the kitchen counter.

Once again, Grace found herself thinking how easier this would've been if her mother had taken Jack along with her. He was being really annoying.

Grace pushed a blonde strand of her hair behind her ear and picked up the spatula, mixing the batter as she added a little more flour.

Making chocolate fudge was not easy at all.

But it was worth it in the end.

"Is it raining already?" Grace asked in a murmur as she picked up another bowl and measured the creamy white whipped cream.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Lucius looking over at the big glass windows in her lounge overlooking the backyard. "Yeah. Pretty heavily."

Before Grace could've moved back towards the batter, Jack stood on his toes and flicked his finger in the bowl. Again.

"Jack, for God's sake!" Grace's shout came next. Soon after followed another one of Lucius's chuckles.

"Luca, I swear to God, if you don't stop laughing and get him away from here, I'm kicking you both out of this house!" Grace glared at both of them.

Jack's eyes widened at the threat while Lucius leaned forward against the counter, grinning. "Seriously, Rose, don't be so harsh."

"Harsh?" Grace spoke out loud before once again getting busy with preparing the frosting. "I'll tell you what harsh really is if he touches that cake batter again."

There was clear warning in Grace's tone. Unfortunately, pissed off Grace never worked with Lucius.

"You are mean, Gracie." Jack spoke up, his dark blond hair ruffled up like he had just woken up.

Grace rolled her eyes and continued back with preparing the frosting. She really wanted this cake to turn out perfect. Especially since she was baking this for her dad, who was coming tomorrow. Finally, after six whole months.

Being a biologist was mean. But Grace's dad loved it.

"She's mean, isn't she, Luc?" Jack pulled out a stool beside Grace and sat down on it, dangling his legs in the air.

"Yeah. She's mean." Lucius nodded. "Especially when she's baking."

Grace looked up at him with a glare. He just gave her a smile which clearly said otherwise.

"No. She's mean all the time." Jack corrected him.

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