11» that party

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Grace's POV
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I wasn't ready to go to a party full of teenagers who'd probably be drunk out of their minds. I wasn't ready at all. But I had to talk to Penny Wilson. Maybe she knew something about her sister's death. Maybe she knew who her sister went out with the day she'd disappeared.

Maybe this was the only way for me to find out about that murderer. Because that person was connected to my parent's death and maybe even Jack--and I needed to know.

That was the exact reason why I forced myself to get changed into decent attire. Other than the baggy sweatshirts crowding my closet, all I could find was a green silk top with sea-green gems studded over its hem.

I remembered it. The top, I mean. I'd practically begged Mum to buy me that once I'd spotted it in the mall. Wearing it right now almost seemed wrong. But I had nothing else to choose from. So I shrugged it on with some jeans and a jacket.

"You do know Kelly's house address, don't you?" Alice asked me once I was seated inside her car, which, as I registered almost instantly, smelled like someone had drenched the leather seats with a hell lot of rose perfume. I tried not to scrunch my nose.

"No, I don't," I replied. I pushed back a strand of my hair from in front of my eyes and looked out of her window. The sky was already dark by now.

"Wait, really?" She asked, placing her hands on the steering wheel and not starting the car.

Blowing out a frustrated sigh, I looked at her. "Why would I know where her house is? Didn't she tell you where it is before inviting you to the party?"

Alice furrowed her brows as if thinking. She looked just as pretty as she usually did, all flawless makeup and her hair let down in soft dark waves. She could quite easily beat Natalie in the school's popularity chain if she ever wanted. But knowing Alice (even though I haven't known her for much) she'd never do that. Alice, I think, was as nice as a person could get.

"Natalie said you'd know the address." She said.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the seat. My thoughts were clouding with the strong rose fumes. I was going to die, I realised. It nearly made me want to laugh.

"Call her," I spoke up. "Because I really don't know the address."

Somehow, we managed to reach the house. Alice didn't give up even when I told her to do just that. She'd called Laura, another friend of Natalie's, and was successful in getting the address.

And I was more than just relieved to step out of her car, which was still filled with those poisonous fumes that would've killed me within the next few seconds.

"Woah. Are they drunk already?" Alice asked me once we entered the huge house. Natalie and her friends had always been famous for throwing such huge parties.

Some things never change.

"I think so," I replied, looking around. So many familiar faces. It felt surreal to be around them, especially after I'd spent two whole years being around people who I didn't even know.

"Most of them are underage." She pointed out. I just shrugged in response.

"Hey!" I looked up to see Natalie in a red-fitted dress that barely reached past her thighs. "You guys took your time." And beside her was Kelly, smiling at us.

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