52» That Death

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Grace's POV
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The party was going on somewhere near the woods, at a large wooden house which looked more like a cabin. It really wouldn't be that bad if I didn't have a thing against woods. And since it was nighttime by now and I was practically freaking out, I really didn't feel like getting out of the car once Luca stopped in front of the house.

Tall trees surrounded one side of the house, mainly the backyard. The other side led towards an alleyway, which I'm sure must've led to the woods one way or another.

Not surprisingly, guys and girls crowded the yard as music blasted from inside the house. I eyed the surroundings warily before slowly opening the car door and stepping outside. Luca followed my actions before coming over beside me.

I really wished I could go back to my house. For some reason, something was nagging in my gut. I wasn't getting a good feeling about this, any of this.

"You should zip up your jacket." I told Luca. It clearly would be a fucked up sight if he went inside with his bloodied shirt.

He passed me a small frown but nonetheless, zipped up his black jacket. "And you stay by my side." He gave me a pointed look as if I loved the thought of getting lost in such parties.

However, before I could've replied, he started walking towards the house. I quickly unfroze from my spot and ran after him, trying to catch up with his long strides.

I wasn't surprised when the strong smell of alcohol and perfume hit me just as we both entered from the wide opened doors. Some of them were indeed passed out on the wooden porch, red solo cups and beer bottles trashed along the yard.

"Do you know where she is?" Luca's voice broke me out from my panicked thoughts. "Your friend?"

I looked around once again, not sure where Alice could even be between these many people. All I knew was that she had been wearing a light blue short dress. And really, that wasn't much help.

"I'll call her." I told him before taking out my phone from my pocket and dialing her number.

She didn't pick up, though. Which just increased the panicky feeling inside me.

I ended the call and faced Luca, not even caring how close we were standing at that moment. "She's not picking up."

He raised his brows and looked away from me, his eyes searching along the crowd. I did the same, really hoping that I find her. I really hoped that she was safe.

Furrowing my brows, I pushed back my hair away from my face. As if sensing my dread, I felt the sudden warmth of Luca's hand enveloping mine before he started walking further into the dense crowd, pulling me behind him.

I followed him, trying my best not to slam into drunk guys and girls who really looked like they gave no shit about absolutely anything. I envied them for a second, but then thought otherwise.

I needed to make sure that Alice was safe. We needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

That Night √Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora