savior- steve rogers (part 1)

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in which she becomes the

savior of her savior


This time I'm setting the compound close to the coast near the ocean...just because it works better that way :) and bc I love outdoor scenes w/ stunning sunsets ahdfjasdhf

also I'm sorry for splitting this up again and that this first part is kind of short...when I wrote it altogether it was like 2600 words and I felt that not all of you would have the patience to read through the entire thing :/ I'll try to even out the balance between the Steve and Peter oneshots as best as I can


As a superhero you knew the many things that were expected of you. Save the civilians, save the world, stop the bad guys, and try not to get killed while doing so. It wasn't as simple as people thought it out to be, however, as you went through hell and back and more ups and downs and endured ten, no hundreds of times more suffering than a person probably would in a hundred lifetimes. Though it got brutal at times, seeing death all around you when faced with the aftermath of a mission, you learned to toughen up from the experiences. You had a group of teammates you considered family along with that, and you knew that there was nothing you wouldn't do or nothing you wouldn't give up for them.

This included sacrifice, of course. Because that word often came up when people discussed the matter of what a true hero was required to do. Save others and set a good example for the people. Fiercely guard those who you love. Sacrifice was necessary; even if you didn't want to do it you had to, because you didn't have any other choice.

So naturally, you weren't really thinking of anything else at the moment except for the fact that if you didn't take the bullet that was flying at breakneck speed at Steve Rogers, he was going to die. Going by your own instincts, you shoved him away from the line of fire, jumping in front of him and letting yourself get shot in his place.

The pain didn't even matter. You simply brushed off the feeling, the white-hot pain shooting up your shoulder that felt as if it was eating you alive and burning your insides. It was probably laced with something to make the impact ten times worse than normal, but you didn't care. You couldn't care less about the pain. All you could seem to think about was his well-being and making sure he was okay. After all that he'd done for you and all the efforts he made to make sure you were safe, you felt that you owed it to him.

You didn't get the reaction you'd expected, though. He seemed rather pissed off, or concerned, you couldn't really distinguish between the two. When you stumbled and slumped to the ground from the impact with blood pooling around you, a look you'd never seen before on his face appeared. His normally bright blue eyes darkened and blazed with a fire that looked like a mix of worry and regret, or possibly desire, if the situation hadn't been so unfortunate.

But it wasn't like you had any better options. You were faced with two choices: risking your own life or letting him lose his. And if you had chosen the latter, forgiving yourself for your actions would permanently be out of the picture. You didn't want to be the reason why Captain America died out on the battlefield. You didn't want to live out the rest of your life with the guilt and regret dragging you down like heavy chains.

You tried to talk to him as you boarded the jet back home, but he refused to even look at you, not even sparing you a single glance and in the one case that he did make eye contact, sent a cold stare your way.

Letting out a long sigh, you glanced over at your thickly bandaged left shoulder. The doctors said you were extremely lucky and it'd be able to heal completely within a span of under two weeks, the scar disappearing a bit over a month afterwards. You'd lost a significant amount of blood in the beginning, however, affecting you to the point you could barely see anything in front of you and had a killer migraine the entire flight back. But by now it had been three hours since you'd arrived back home, and you didn't have to change your bandages so often as the blood flow slowed down.


"Y/N, if I'm being honest here, you should give him some time or you're only going to make matters worse," Bucky warned as you sat across from him at the dining table, chin propped in your hand and looking rather downcast with tired eyes. "Give him some space for now, and you can talk to him later."

"I don't want to just sit here and do nothing," you pressed your fingers to the sides of your forehead, "I'd prefer to get it over with and work things out. Why does he have to be so upset in the first place, anyways?"

"He's just frustrated, man, and if there's anything I know about him and know about him well, is that he's gonna do anything to keep the ones he loves safe. It doesn't matter what it costs him, whether that be someone else's life or his own."

"But that goes for all of us, does it not? I'd do the same for you, or for him. And that's why I did what I did. It was going straight at his heart and he wouldn't have enough time to dodge," you explained. "So why is he all pissed off about me taking a bullet for him?"

"Yeah, it does go for all of us, but look, this is Stevie we're talking about here. Once he sets his mind on something or protecting someone, there's no chance of stopping him. You think you're overprotective? When we were little, I tripped on the curb and scraped my knee, and he made me stay inside for the rest of the afternoon. It was just a scrape and I kept telling him I was fine, but he still forced me to rest until it healed fully."

"Damn," you shook his head, "he's pretty stubborn, huh."

"When it comes down to those he loves the most, then hell yes."

"He doesn't love me that way, if that's what you're trying. He's only loved someone like that once, and that was a while ago."

"Peggy told him that she didn't want him to get hung up on her for so long and if he moved on, she would be happier because she would know he'd found someone who'd stay."

"And that person could be someone other than me."

"There isn't anyone else except you, that's the thing," the Winter Soldier shook his head, "he loves Nat like a sister and Wanda looks up to him as her mentor, but you? He'll go to the ends of the earth for you and will do whatever it takes to protect you."

"I could say that for you too. Or Dad. Or Natasha and Wanda. So what's the big difference here?"

"The difference is the feelings which you have for him, and him for you. That's what sets everything apart. I'd say that you love each other as siblings, but the way he looks at you and treats you sets everything apart. I can't tell you you guys are just acquaintances because you're not. People who are 'just friends' don't act the way you do."

tom holland/peter parker and steve rogers oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now