Chapter 1

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She entered her department, and there she met with thunderous applause. Eva couldn't help but smile, she knew it was Dave who must be behind this. Because it was only him and their department head Mr. Stevens who knew about the completion of her successful spy operation.

Eva was working as an overseas spy for the Intelligence Service of her country for the last five years. And she was lucky enough not to get caught once. She had helped dispose of many criminals and hatch many conspiracies against their country. She was an asset to her department and Mr. Stevens was proud of her, he was her mentor and also her boss.

She was gladly hugging and shaking hands with other members of her department when dave walked into the hall with a cake and 9 candles depicting her 9th successful operation. He gave her a proud smile and placed the cake on a nearby table. Then he walked towards her and gave her a bear hug.

"Congratulations bunny on yet another milestone in your career". Dave congratulated her from all his heart.

"Thanks, Dave". She said humbly. She knew how proud Dave was for her achievement, and she knew why. She really liked him, he was her good friend but she could never give him what he wanted. She never thought about him in the way Dave wanted her to, actually she never had since the death of Robb, she felt a sting of pain when she remembered him.

Robb was the reason she had joined the secret service. And since he died she could never get close to any male of her species in the way most of them wanted. She was a sorry mess from inside. Not able to date anyone, love was completely out of the picture. Sometimes she felt pity for Dave, poor dude didn't have any idea he was trying to cultivate a garden on barren land.

Though she was there with everyone smiling, cutting the cake, laughing and talking with all. But still, her mind and her heart were with Robb, the love of her life who was no more with her due to some people who didn't give a damn for the lives of innocent just were power-hungry monster's ready to sacrifice anything and anyone just for the sake of retaining power.

" Eva, Mr. Stevens would like to see you in his office". Jane the PA of Stevens told her when she was busy chatting with another female member or her department Catherine.

"I will be there in a moment". Eva apologized to Catherine and headed towards Stevens's office. She sighed and knocked on the door she knew he must be calling her to hand over another assignment, she took a fortnight leave after her last assignment and now it was time to be back to work.

"Come in". She heard his reply and turned the knob on the door and entered his office. It was nearly six months since last she was here. Everything was in the same place since the last five years she has been coming here but the only change this time was the stranger sitting along with Stevens on the sofa. He was a man in his early fifties, tall well built and with intelligent grey eyes.

"Ohhh, Eva come child". Mr. Stevens who was in his late sixties always used to address her like his daughter.

"Here, meet Mr. Wajahat Aalam from the Interpol, he is hearing for a very important assignment. Let me warn you this will be the most dangerous operation if you choose to accept it." Stevens introduced her to the stranger and along with it warned her for the upcoming task.

"Hello, Mr. Aalam, glad to meet you". Eva shook hands with Aalam and sat on the Arm Chair opposite to the sofa they were sitting.

"It's a pleasure meeting you Ms. Smith. I have heard a lot about you. And I am glad we have a chance to work together on this same mission". Aalam greeted her with a smile.

"Well, Ms. Smith I won't waste our time on any unnecessary stuff, I would like you to know that this mission is regarding the organization "Red Right Hand". As you know, no one knows who is the head of this organization and where they are based. Interpol has been trying to get some information on them for quite some time and I am sorry to say have failed miserably". Aalam stopped for a moment picked the envelope in front of him and passed it towards Eva, she took it and started to take out the enclosed document from the envelope.

It was a dossier on some Malik Taimur Jahaan an Arabian Prince. Member of the Royal Family Al Jahaan of the country Azmaayir. She looked at Aalam with a quizzical look, what does a member of Arab Royal Family had to do with Mafia?

" I know you must be wondering, why a dossier of a Royal Prince has to do with 'Red Right Hand'. As you know Ms. Smith, we have spies all around the world trying to dig out anything on RRH, and one of our spies had been close enough to know who their kingpin is but unfortunately he was killed in an accident. I can assure you was not an accident but a cold-blooded murder by the RRH operative. But we were lucky enough to reach him in the hospital before his death and the only thing we were able to get out from him was a name. And as you are guessing rit now it's none other than Mr. Taimur Al Jahaan". He paused and gave her a look of triumph.

"So you see Ms. Smith, we did not fail completely".

"And what are your plans for me in this whole mission?" Eva asked him without giving any hint whether she wanted to work on this.

"As you know Ms. Smith, men of the stature of Taimur Al Jahaan can only be lure into a trap if the bait is that they can't resist". His gaze traveled on her body and he smiled knowingly. Eva felt like kicking this bastard in his gut. But she suppressed the urge and said,

"Mr.Aalam I think if what you need is just to seduce this man into the trap, you can use any of your operatives with little knowledge of seduction. I am still not able to understand my purpose in this scheme," she said dismissing him completely and rising from her seat.

"Sit down Eva", Stevens commanded. Eva sat there unwilling. "Our Intelligent Service and the Interpol would like you to get close to this man. A few Interpol operatives have tried to get close to him but that man is not easily deceived. He doesn't trust anyone except a few of his closet aides. We tried to reach out to them but it seems they are not to be cracked easily. We have got a couple of men in his company and they have been able to fire one of his secretaries and we don't want to put someone in that place with a doubt whether or not they will be able to get to him. So you have been chosen to carry out this mission." Stevens said in his usual commanding tone which meant no more non-sense.

"We need you to get any information you can from him. But I will warn you this man is very dangerous and ruthless. None of your past assignments could ever get close to him". Aalam warned her, but she sensed from Aalam's tone that Aalam admired this man about who he was warning her.

"And what if I choose not to accept this mission?" Eva asked daringly.

"I heard your fiancee died in a plane crash didn't he Ms. Smith. It was the flight from Vancouver to London right?" Aalam asked in his low voice which she could barely hear.

Eva was taken aback, how did he know about Robb, and what was the connection between Robb and RRH. She was looking at Aalam dumbfounded.

"Well, the crash was carried out by the RRH. To warn the Government of the United States and England the implications if they try to stop their operations in their country." He smiled in the manner as if challenging her to not accept this mission now.

Eva was in a complete shock. She had been trying to know the reason for the crash and the people behind it, but as her country was not an ally to the US nor Uk, she was not able to extract this information. She had joined the Secret service so one day she could avenge Robb and now was the chance and there was nothing in this world which could have stopped her from avenging him.


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