Chapter 2

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"I am so glad you are back from those boring digging tours," May exclaimed as soon as she saw Eva in the kitchen preparing their dinner. May just got back from work. She was an accountant in a consulting firm.

"I know you hate my job but still it won't be bad once in a while if you try to show some respect towards it," Eva said frowning. Everyone in her life thought she was an archeologist working on digging expedition's around the world. Even her parents didn't have any clue that she was a spy. Her absence from their country for such long periods needed explanation and what better reason than archeological expedition's.

It was her dream to be an archeologist since she was a child, her grandfather was one and she was fascinated by his work since she was 5yrs old. But Robb's death had changed everything. Robb was also an archeologist and she had met him on one of such expeditions in Africa. She could still remember that day like it was yesterday.

"So what you guys dig out this time? A dinosaur or a man with a skull-like an ape? May's voice brought her back to reality, she took a deep breath.

"Well to be honest we didn't found a thing". And it was not a lie, the fortnight leaves she took from work, she had spent it on one of the expeditions of her old group. After completion of every assignment, she used to join them for a week or two so that she could click some pictures and make some videos to show them to her family and friends.

She was sharing an apartment with May for the last two years. She was hardly in town for a couple of weeks at the max before she was assigned a new task. May always complained about how she was paying the share in the rent without even staying there. Once she advised her to stay in the hotel for the time she was in town so she won't have to waste her money on rent.

"The dinner will be ready in half an hour why don't you take a shower till then". She told May and watched her as she nodded in agreement and headed towards her room.

She checked the salt in the stir fry she was cooking and it was perfect. She started to arrange the plates and dishes on the little dining they had in the kitchen which was more than enough for them. If their friends use to join them sometimes, they would mostly eat in the living room.

After dinner they both had a little chat, Eva showed May the pictures and videos from her expedition and they joked about some of the guy's in the group. May was never in a serious relationship, she used to date a guy for a couple of months and then used to toss him aside and find some other one who aroused her interest. Eva had told May about Robb and since then May had tried to play matchmaker for her without any success. She went on a couple of dates after May forced her but they turned in a disaster.

When she was sure May was asleep, she pulled out the dossier from her bag and opened it. There where a couple of pictures of Malik Taimur Jahaan in the dossier, in one picture he was wearing the traditional Arabic robe of Azmaayir with a headscarf. And in another, he was wearing a military uniform with a machine gun in hand aiming for an unknown target. Eva took a deep breath she couldn't find word's to describe him was he handsome or beautiful, no he was handsome in a beautiful way. He was like a tiger ready to pounce on his prey. His fair golden skin and his green jade green eyes were clearly visible in the pic.

His eyes reminded her of Robb, Robb also had green eyes but they were not as green as that of Taimur. She realized how difficult her task was this time. The man radiated dominance even from his pictures, he was not a man to be trifled with. She knew one wrong step and she could lose her life.

She was to fly to Azmaayir next week. The Interpol Operatives had ensured she was hired as one of Taimur Jahaan's personal secretary. It was going to be a hell of a job to get close to this man without wanting to kill him, for what his Organization did to Robb. She cursed herself for accepting this mission. What on Earth was she thinking, she knew very well how ruthless these Arab Royals were and how much they liked toying the opposite sex. But she had to do this for Robb. Her Robb who was snatched away from her by this ruthless man. She felt rage for him. How was she going to keep her calm around this man knowing he was the killer of the love of her life.


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