Chapter 25

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        "And I have told you that is out of the question, you need anything I will provide it for you. But you will stay with me", Taimur said and walked out of the kitchen.

       Eva looked in the direction from where he just exited. And she stumbled on the floor of the kitchen. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and she was sobbing.

        Eva didn't remember how many times she had cried in the last month since they had returned from the ranch. Taimur had imprisoned her, snatched away from her freedom. She was not allowed to leave the penthouse, if she wanted to go, Taimur used to accompany her everywhere.

     She was not allowed to call anyone not even Taimur. Only Laila and Ayesha were allowed to visit her. The penthouse was guarded 24X7 by armed men. Though Taimur had changed his behavior towards her, he didn't use to hurt or humiliate her. But he didn't treat her like he used to treat her before he found out the truth.

       She had tried to reason him many times but he was stubborn as a child. He used to take her for outings. Even allowed her to touch him while they made love but Eva was not satisfied.

        He was holding himself back from her, he didn't give her all of him. She was his toy and he played with her as he pleased. All the mental stress was exhausting her. She would find herself crying her eyes out when she was alone. But when Taimur was present he wouldn't let her think of anything else than him.

       Taimur had a great libido, all those years being single have now made him crave for her body. She was also attracted to him the same way, Eva couldn't resist him, he was testing her limits in bed. He used to drive her crazy with his lovemaking skills.

      Ohhh yes he was an expert in lovemaking, Eva couldn't have ever imagined her body could be pleasured in such ways. But it was all about sex for him, she didn't have any idea for how long will he keep her like this.

      Eva couldn't imagine living like this for her whole life. Though their chemistry in bed was undeniable, Eva wanted more. She wanted to settle, start her own family. But Taimur didn't look like he wanted anything to do with her other than sex.
He was not letting her go just for the satisfaction of his ego.

     And now he was trying to prove her insane. She kept crying for don't know how long. As she had flushed out all her exhaustion with her tears she felt better, and the truth started dawning on her.

     She was ashamed of herself of how she had behaved with Taimur. Yes, she had differences with him but she could have spoken to him in a better way. She could have avoided accusing him of those things he didn't do, he was worried about her and wanted to help her.

       She was having those nightmares quite for some time. And when Taimur was not with her when she was asleep they would be more frequent. She felt safe when she slept in his arms. Sure of the thing that he will protect and take care of her. When he used to wake up from those nightmares he would soothe and calm her and put her back to sleep. Sometimes she would remember and sometimes she would totally forget what happened in the night.

      She got up from the floor and ran towards their bedroom but he was not there. She checked the lounge, study terrace but there was no sign of him. He had left for his office. Eva was feeling guilty for her actions, she remembered how hurt he looked when she accused him of trying to prove she was insane. And the look of mortification that was present on his face when she said she wanted to leave him.

      " Why the hell I didn't think before I reacted like that", Eva was scolding herself but she couldn't help it. The words have left her mouth and had struck Taimur like a dagger in his heart.

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