Chapter 12

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        She came out of the bathroom after a refreshing shower. Drying her hair with a muslin towel. Tomorrow was the weekend and she had all day to herself. "Not exactly herself, not anymore". She thought. Taimur might plan something. He had inquired earlier today did she had any plans for the weekend?. She had informed him she didn't. But he didn't say anything further so might be he was planning something and was not through with it.

        Well till then at least she had the time to herself. She planned on ordering food and watching a movie. She applied the oud scented lotion on her body massaging with her hands, which she had bought yesterday from a departmental store. She liked its fragrance. She had seen both Ayesha and Laila use it and when she had inquired them what was so special about oud. Laila had told her that Arab men were attracted to its smell. It was a tradition in Arab women to vaporize oud on burning coal and to allow the vapors to get absorbed by their bodies and hair. She thought that to be funny. But Laila and Ayesha insisted it really worked. With the advancement of time now most cosmetic companies were making oud scented cosmetics, perfumes, skin care, and hair care products, especially for Arabian markets.

           She was not sure about the men getting attracted part but agreed the scent was exotic. After she was done with her skincare regime she changed into shorts and a tee. She then sat down on the bed and removed the cell provided by the Interpol from her side table. This cell phone had an extra protection feature of the Retina scan installed on it. She unlocked the cell and was about to call Aalam to give him the weekly report when the doorbell ranged. She was surprised, who on Earth could it be. Ayesha and Laila had visited her a couple of times at her apartment but they had informed her before coming.

           She went to the door wondering who the visitor could be. Maybe someone has lost their way. She unlocked the door and opened it, and to her astonishment, Taimur was standing there with a bouquet of flowers and take away from a Chinese chain. She was looking at him with wide eyes filled with astonishment. "How do you know where I lived". She asked him stepping aside to give him room to enter.

         "I have my sources" He replied dramatically adding further, " I thought we could have dinner together then we could watch a game of football. Barca is playing Madrid today". He said bestowing on her his killer smile.

          "So you also are a football fan? She asked, amusingly adding, "I use to play football in my school team. Never have really followed pro football. But I think it won't hurt watching once in a while". She replied leading their way to the living room.

       "Trust me, you won't regret". He told in a tone that held unsaid promises.

         Taimur followed Eva into the living room. Her long slender legs were on display in those shorts. Her tee-shirt hung low from one of her shoulders. She might have taken a shower not long before because her golden curls were still damp. She looked sexy as hell in this attire. Taimur couldn't help but stare at her shamelessly. She completely ignored his stare and took the bouquet from him and placed it on the center table. Then she took the Chinese take away from his and carried it to the kitchen.

         Taimur started looking around in her apartment. It was a modern single bedroom apartment, with a kitchen, living room and a bedroom. The living room and bedroom had a balcony. The kitchen and bedroom both opened in the living room. He went into the bedroom exploring, there was a Queen size bed in the middle of the room. The closet was built in one of the walls. It had an attached bathroom. He was not happy with the size of the bed, it was not going to be comfortable. His 6 feet 4-inch frame was not going to fit on it.

        Just then a cell phone on the bed started ringing. He picked it up,  Private Number flashed on the screen. He was puzzled, who with a private number would call Eva. And before he could give that anymore thought, the bewitching seductress entered the room. Right now the little worm between his legs had taken over his senses. And all he wanted was to devour her.

        A sudden feeling of dread took over Eva. When she found Taimur standing in the bedroom with her cellphone in his hand. " Eva, you fucking idiot, how can you be so careless". She cursed herself for her carelessness. It never happened with her in the last five years of her career. But since this man entered her life, he had turned it upside down. She has been violating one rule after another because of him.

        "Someone was calling you, but I think he will have to wait". Taimur told her while he switched off her cellphone and tossed it aside.

          "I won't say, I don't like the idea". She tried sounding as casual as possible. Careful enough not to arouse any suspicion in his mind.

         "As much as I would like to devour you right here right now, but I have a date with Messi. And we will have to buy a new bed for your apartment, there is not a chance I am going to fit on this" He said pointing towards her bed. And took a few long strides and covered the distance between them. He took her by shock by lifting her in his arms and carrying her to the couch in the living room.

       "So the rumors were right that you are gay, and as to my bed I didn't know I would be dating a 6'4"  Royal in the future when I bought it". She said giggling in his arms.

       "No matter how much you provoke me, you are not getting it today". He teased her back. He then took a deep breath and said, You smell different today. Different but good. This smell is really seductive". He brought his face near to her neck and started taking a deep breath trying to fill his lungs with her smell.

        Eva was once again taken by surprise. "So the Oud fragrance really worked like Laila and Ayesha had told her earlier, ".she thought amazed.

       "Its the oud scented lotion I bought yesterday". She informed him.

      "Ohhh, do you know that it is believed Arab men are aroused by the smell of oud". He repeated the same belief that Ayesha and Laila had told her. "But now sitting here smelling you I think that it's just not a belief, its a fact".

       He sat close to her on the couch and turned on the television with the remote. He surfed the channels until he found the desired one all the time teasing her with kisses on her bare shoulder and neck."No second thoughts on how sex-hungry I am right now. But my stomach is hungrier". He said pulling the tray towards them in which Eva had arranged the food.

        They ate all the while teasing each other, joking and watching football. After dinner, Eva snuggled into his arms on the couch and rested her head on his shoulder. Taimur was so busy watching the game that he didn't even notice Eva had drifted into sleep. When the match was over and Barcelona had won he looked at her and found her sound asleep. As he was planning to wake her up and carry out one of his threats he gave her earlier while eating when she was teasing him, his cell placed on the center table started vibrating.
       "Not now". He groaned in disappointment. He looked at the screen raising his neck a little, it was the call from one of his close men. His calling at this time of the night indicated that the matter was serious and wanted his immediate attention. He carefully lifted Eva in his arms careful enough not to disturb her sleep. She was sleeping like a child in his arms carefree and innocent. He laid her down on her bed and covered her with the quilt. Then he went back to the living room and called Haaris.

        " We have to meet now". Haaris said immediately after picking the call.

      "Not now Haaris". He said in disagreement. He wanted to get back to Eva,  to even the score. How come she was sleeping so peacefully after robbing him of everything.

      "It's a RED Taimur". Haaris sounded worried. Taimur couldn't help kicking the floor in frustration.
        "This better is something serious Haaris, or you are getting fired today". He warned him.

        "What's more serious than a RED?" Haaris asked annoyed.

        "I will be there in half an hour". He said as he disconnected the call.

       Why everything had to happen when he had something in mind regarding Eva. "Was he jinxed? Because every time things started to work out between them there was an intrusion by someone or other?" He thought bitterly, picking up his keys and watch from the table. As he stole one last glance at Eva, who was still sleeping, before he left her apartment. He made sure to lock the door of her apartment with the key he had acquired from her landlord earlier that evening.

      He was still immersed in deep thought as he came in the parking present in the basement of the residential building Eva lived. He unlocked his Lamborghini and slid into the driving seat.

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