Chapter 15

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            "So there you are," Sikander said seeing Taimur enter his study. 

              Taimur sat on a chair kept on the other side of the desk where Sikander was seated.

             "Come along, it's been a long time since we boys had a chat". Sikander said lighting his cigar and offered one to Taimur, which he respectfully declined.

           "Still, don't smoke, do you, "  Sikander asked looking at Taimur's face very carefully.

         Taimur sensed there was something different in his manner today, "He knows," Taimur said to himself and started preparing for what was to come next.

        "So how is the business," Sikander asked Taimur after a long silence, staring him constantly.

         Sikander was the only person in this whole world, in whose presence Taimur felt intimidated. Sikander held an air of authority and a no-nonsense attitude.
        "Good as usual". Taimur replied.

        Sikander watched closely as Taimur got restless due to his constant gazing. Taimur wanted his father to just get over with it. But Taimur knew very well Sikander was like a lion constantly playing with his prey, till he made his last kill.

           Sikander was constantly reading Taimur's changing expressions.

           Sikander was an ambitious man from a very young age. He always wanted to be, "The King" like his father. But after the sudden death of his father in a car accident his elder brother Waleed was chosen as the King.

            It was not that Waleed was not a good man. But it was just that Sikander wanted to rule Azmaayir. He was a few years younger then Waleed. And Sikander was still in his university when Waleed was coronated as the King of Azmaayir.

         The only thing that gave Waleed an edge over Sikander in the eyes of the council was Waleed's age. Sikander couldn't change his age and nor could he kill his brother for the throne. Sikander loved Waleed but he couldn't change the fact that it was Waleed who robbed him of his throne.

          Waleed had known how much Sikander wanted to be the King since childhood. Waleed was a very affectionate person. He loved all his siblings very much. Sikander and Waleed shared a special bond since childhood. And because of the guilt, he had that his younger brother was not chosen to be the King because of him.

           To rule was a duty for Waleed and Sikander thought it was his birthright. Destiny had played a joke on Sikander, and he was not going to let it get away with it.

           Sikander had acquired control over all the oil reserves in Azmaayir very carefully manipulating Waleed who was in the guilt of hurting his loving younger brother and obliged to everything Sikander asked for.

            Sikander had very easily established his refineries on the oil reserves. The money he saved from the profits after the expenditure of the Monarchy was huge, oil business was booming in those days.  Sikander started expanding his business, in other sectors as well in Azmaayir. Understanding that the Monarchy can take back control of the oil refineries anytime from him. He built himself a business empire in Azmaayir.

          His brother might have been the King but it was Sikander who ran the country. He made sure that Waleed was completely under his influence. And no decision was taken by Waleed without prior discussion with Sikander.

            Sikander was on the Royal council along with his other 8 siblings. The King in Azmaayir was free to make any decisions but it was necessary to take the approval of the  Royal council before they were implemented. And Malik Sikander Jahaan was the most influential member of the council.

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