Chapter 3

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It was a week since she had joined the Al Jahaan Corporation. But she was nowhere near to her mission, she didn't even have a glance of the Ruthless Tycoon. But what she could gather from the staff was that he was devil incarnated. He didn't believe in second chances. And if someone dared to betray him he would bring holy hell on the traitor.

He was the richest royal of Azmaayir, richer even then the king. He had built his empire with hard work and whenever anyone tried to threaten him it would be the end for that person. The King of Azmaayir Waleed Al Jahaan was his uncle and it was believed Taimur had more influence on the King than anyone else in the Royal Family even his sons. The ruler of Azmaayir was chosen by a Royal council, and most believed Taimur might be the next ruler of Azmaayir.

Eva was confused about why does such a man with such power and money would get involved in illegal activities. Why would he join the Mafia? RRH has been functional for near about a century but no one knew who were the members of the RRH and how where they able to function without being caught. In this age of technology and surveillance, it was nearly impossible to not slip. Some Intelligence Service officials even doubted the existence of the RRH. They had a valid point if they existed someone must have been caught in the last century.

The Interpol was not ready to give up the thought that RRH existed. And they were hell-bent to find them and bring them under the law and punish them for there crimes. And so here she was trying to get hold of something by which she could help the Interpol. But she felt this plan was useless, why the hell would a Mafia mix his legitimate and illegitimate business. No matter how many doubts she had in her mind, she was here for Robb even if there was a one in a million possibility that Robb was killed by this ruthless man, she will bring him to justice.

She didn't know who the other two Interpol operatives where in this company. It was there rule never to disclose the identity of their Operatives to others so that if anyone is caught they won't give any more names.

As she was hired as a personal secretary for Taimur and he was on some foreign tour, most probably planning some RRH operations. She was free to enjoy her time. Rarely anyone else asked for her to assist in some other task. It was a rule of this company that the Personal Secretary of the CEO was not to be involved in any other work than what he alloted them.

Eva had befriended a couple of Arab girls working in the company. They were distantly related to Taimur, and their parents wanted them to seduce him to get married to the girls. They had been working for the last three years without any success and had given up the thought that he might ever marry any of them.

They joked how they use to compete for his attention at the start of their jobs. But within 6 months they realized he was not to fall for their charm. So they just concentrated on their careers and where now courted by other men for marriage. One girl was called Laila and the other was Ayesha. Ayesha was soon to get engaged with an close aide of Taimur. The guy who was on the suspect list of the Interpol.

She pitied for the lovely Ayesha who didn't have a clue she was going to marry a Mafia. Poor girl, I hope I find out about them before the marriage so she could be saved.
Her would be fiancee was also on tour with Taimur. And Ayesha was eagerly waiting for him to get back and so was Eva.

Nearly a month passed and the Tycoon didn't return. No one knew where he was. Nor anyone was interested in discussing his whereabouts.

Interpol and Steven were getting restless for new information which she was unfortunately not able to provide. Eva was bored to death because of sitting idle and she started bugging Laila and Ayesha to give her some work.

They both were sorry that they couldn't help her in this matter. But were trying there best to make her evening's bearable by taking her on the tour of the city. She had seen almost all the famous landmarks in the city. And now they were visiting Art exhibition and Shopping malls to spend their time or better kill her time.


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