Chapter 5

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     As the elevator door opened on the 20th floor, of the head office of Al Jahaan Group, Taimur entered the hall in which all his secretaries were seated. He had 4 personal secretaries and all of them were male. He couldn't bear to have any women around him. But when he was on tour, one of his secretaries was found to have passing inside information to his enemies. He was fired immediately and a woman was appointed in his place by the GM of Al Jahaan Group.

           The 20th floor had his office and the offices of his aides. As he was passing through the hall with Ahmed and Riyadh, he noticed something was wrong, as he turned his head towards the table of one of his secretary, he found her sleeping with her head on the table. He came to a sudden halt. All the men in the room noticed the object of his attention. One of his secretary Mustafa cursed himself.

         How the hell didn't he noticed her sleeping? Maybe because the moment he got a call that Taimur was in the elevator and headed towards the office, everything was chaos. They started calling each Head of the Department for the reports of the past two months. And didn't pay attention to Eva who out of extreme boredom of not having to do any work had slept on her desk.

      "Wake her up". He barked and headed towards his office. Mustafa turned into action and started waking up Eva with a little tap on her shoulder.

        "May please 5 more minutes". She said in sleep without raising her head.

         "Eva!!!! I am not  May, and you are not in your bed. Wake up fast I have work to do, Boss is here." Mustafa started shaking her shoulder with a little force.

       Eva woke up with a jerk and tried to focus on Mustafa's face. "What did you just say, is he back?" She was in a panic mode.

         "Yes, he is back and he caught you sleeping. He looks in a very bad mood. If I were you I will worry about saving my life". Mustafa tried to scare her. At that very moment, the intercom buzzed, Mustafa, picked up the receiver.

       "Send her in, with the finance report". Taimur ordered. " Right away Sir". Mustafa replied and took the file from the secretary of the finance manager who just had stepped out of the elevator. He handed the file to Eva with pity in his eyes, and said: "He wants you in his office now, hurry up!!!!" Mustafa exclaimed.

     Eva was still panicking, she didn't expect to meet him in such manner, she always had planned to surprise him with her intelligence and hard work on their first encounter, but things don't work out as we plan, do they? She took a deep breath before knocking on the door of his cabin. After she heard his permission to enter she turned the handle and stepped inside his office.

        It was the first time she had entered his office. No one except Mustafa had the permission to go in his office, in the absence of the CEO. She was taken off guard by the interior of his office. The color scheme was white and grey, there was a glass wall opposite to the entrance in front of which an oakwood desk was placed. It was thrice the size of the desk in Stevens office. The office was huge, paintings hung on the three walls of the office, There was a door on the right side of the office maybe it was a washroom.

       Eva stood in front of the door with her lower jaw touching the floor in amazement. Then she realized all the three men in the room were watching her reaction with sharp eyes. She didn't miss the emotion of disgust in those green eyes. All three men were very handsome, but the sheer power and rawness that radiated from Malik Taimur Jahaan was no match. He sat on his chair as a King sat on his throne. Ready to crush the world under his feet. He had an air of authority and dominance around him He cleared his throat before speaking.

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