Chapter 14

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"So what's up with your girl, how is she? Talal asked Taimur picking up the coffee mug the maid was serving them.

" Which girl?" Taimur asked pretending as if he didn't have any clue about what Talal was speaking.

They just finished lunch and now were assembled in the living room. All his four siblings were present with their families, his father had just retired to his study. The kids were running all over the place wreaking havoc.

"Your date on the night of Abi's birthday celebration". He said with a little smirk.

" She was not my date that night". Taimur denied his claims.

" Who are you trying to fool. The moment she arrived you started acting like a teenager". Talal snapped back at him.

Taimur gave out a little laugh and said." I was not expecting anyone could see through my actions so easily".

"Are you kidding yourself, the royal circle is filled with the gossip, that Taimur Jahaan has taken a girl for himself". His sister Sidra intervened in their conversation.

" Soon they will be filled with the news of my wedding with her". He said in a careless manner.

All the voices and movement in the room came to a sudden halt. Like everyone just had frozen in their place. They were looking at Taimur with disbelief.

He was expecting this reaction from his family. He understood that they were glad that he has a girl in his life but didn't expect him to be serious enough to get married to her. They always assumed whenever he decided to get married it will be a calculated decision as usual and he will get married to someone from the Al Jahaan clan to strengthen his claim on the throne.

He knew his decision to get married to Eva was not going to go down well with his family or the Al Jahaan clan. They looked at him as their future King and they will never accept a foreign Queen consort.

He knew very well if he married Eva he would have to give up the claim to the throne completely. There was no way the Royal council would ever approve his marriage to her.

His uncle the King will also never consent to their marriage. Taimur knew very well how much Waleed wanted Taimur to ascend the throne after him, despite having three sons of his own.

Waleed Al Jahaan knew very well his sons didn't have it in them to rule Azmaayir. The history of Azmaayir was filled with tribal wars and bloodshed. Each tribe trying to establish their rule over the others until Taimur's ancestor Khalid Al Jahaan had united them into one kingdom and established the rule of Al Jahaan clan over Azmaayir four centuries ago.

The Al Jahaan were ruling Azmaayir since it's formation. The throne was passed down to the eldest son as mostly was the rule in most of the monarchy, until ninety years ago when a council was formed to choose the ruler.

It so happened that Taimur's great grandfather Osman Al Jahaan was the first king chosen by the council. Osman's elder brother Aabid Al Jahaan was a very feeble ruler. He was the eldest son and had descended the throne after the sudden death of their father.

Osman was merely a year younger than Aabid and he was ruthless and ambitious but because he was the second born he was left in distress by the actions of his elder brother. Aabid was going on making one wrong decision after another.

The enemies of Al Jahaan were getting strong by each passing day. And unless any drastic steps were taken they would have lost the reign on Azmaayir. Osman had tried to warn Aabid on many occasions but Aabid in his arrogance didn't pay Osman any heed.

At last Osman with the help of his mother and other siblings overthrew Aabid's rule. And Osman was crowned the new King. Osman established the Royal council and made it a rule that all the future rulers will be chosen by this council on his ability to rule.

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