Chapter 10

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He was standing on the terrace of his penthouse. His penthouse was on the tallest building is Azmaayir. He had been staying here for the past five years. His parents didn't like the idea of him leaving their mansion and moving out. But his brothers were able to convince them. After Sehar's chapter, he preferred staying away from his relations. He believed they only weaken a man and he wanted to be ruthless so that no one ever could again cause him misery and pain.

Riyadh came out of the glass door with two coffee mugs in his hand. He handed Taimur one mug. Riyadh was waiting for Taimur to complain about the sugar he had added in his coffee, but Taimur seemed to have failed to notice this change. He was engrossed in deep thought, his facial expression kept on changing. He was trying to speak to Taimur regarding his loss of interest in board meetings and office work. Also, he wanted to ask him about his sting with Eva Smith. One day they were all lovey-dovey with each other and the next day they were like complete strangers. He couldn't dig out the reason for their sudden change of attitude towards each other.

Anyone who knew Taimur could tell that he was hurting from inside. And Riyadh and Taimur were childhood friends, so how was it possible for him not to notice the sudden change in him. He was not like this even after Sehar had betrayed him. He just extended his stay in London for a fortnight and was back to being himself. Not just that, he was more ambitious and determined than he was ever before. But now it seemed he had lost all ambition and was just carrying on for the sake of his reputation. The fire which burnt in him to conquer the world was extinguishing. And Riyadh couldn't just stay and watch his friend getting wasted.

"So, you liked the coffee?" Riyadh asks just for the sake of striking a conversation with him. He had been so silent in the past month, always in deep thought. That sometimes Riyadh was scared of his silence.

" Yeah, it was good" Taimur replied.

"Did you even noticed I added sugar to your coffee and you didn't even complain once?" Riyadh replied agitated.

"I am not dumb, to have not noticed it. It's just that these things don't matter anymore" He sighed.

"What is going between you two lately?" Riyadh asked.

"Who?" He looked at Riyadh pretending he didn't understand the reference.

" Don't try to pretend as if you don't understand. I am talking about you and Eva. The night of your father's birthday you were acting as if you were head over heels in love with her. And the next day I know you didn't even consider her worthy enough of your single glance" Riyadh decided there was no use beating around the bush so he addressed him on the issue which was bugging him from the last one month.

"She doesn't want me". Taimur was hardly able to answer. If it would have been someone else in place of Riyadh he would have dismissed their claims without giving them any second thought.

"And you backed off ?, Gave up on the girl who you like?. The Taimur I know never give up. He fights till last until he wins. He never rests until he acquires the thing which he desires". Riyadh exclaimed in disbelief.

"She is not some asset which I can buy. She is a woman and she doesn't feel I am worthy enough of her affection. There is no point pursuing her when she had made it clear she doesn't want me" he paused for a moment and continued "But I can't describe how badly it hurts to know the person you want, don't want you back. Sometimes I feel like carrying her away to a secluded island where there is no one else but us and spend the rest of my life loving and cherishing her". He was moving his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"Any sensible person who has seen you both together cannot deny noticing the affection which radiated from you both for each other" Riyadh said in an assuring way.

"I know I am not the only one affected by these emotions. She also feels the same way I feel for her. There is no denying it". He focused his gaze on some unknown dot and continued "But I feel she doesn't want to give this relationship a chance, maybe she is afraid or possible she doesn't trust me".

"I don't agree with you on this, if she didn't trust you, she never would have accompanied you to your bedroom. I don't know what happened between you two in that room, she didn't seem to have any regret over it when she left with us". Riyadh tried to reason with him.

"I don't know, I am still confused about that incident. At that moment she really melted in my embrace, I sensed she desired me in the same way I desired her. But before we could even share a kiss you came and spoilt the whole atmosphere". Taimur faked being annoyed with him.

"What the fuck, you didn't even kiss her. You jerk what were you waiting for?" Riyadh started cursing him.

"If I would have known you would come after me like a chick follows the Mother hen, I would have used the limited time to the fullest". Taimur punched Riyadh on his arm. Riyadh was the only person to whom Taimur would open up. They couldn't keep anything secret from each other.

"So you agree she also likes me don't you?" Taimur asked Riyadh wanting to be reassured by his best friend that what he felt was not an illusion of his mind.

"Of course she likes you, why the hell do you think since the last month she has been ignoring your tantrums?" Riyadh said trying hard to sound serious.

"What do you advise I should do now?" Taimur asked him. He was feeling fresh and lively as if some heavy load was lifted from his soul.

"I think you should keep on trying unless she falls for your charms. I don't think any female in this world is immune to the Charm's of Taimur Al Jahaan". Riyadh exclaimed dramatically.

"Why don't you take her along to Al Jahaan farmhouse. You are going there next week, aren't you? Just order her to accompany you on this business" Riyadh gave a solution for his problem.

Taimur was looking at him with such admiration and affection as if he would kiss him right at that moment." Don't you even think about it, you might be having a reputation of being gay but I am happily engaged". Riyadh fake warned him.

Taimur gave out a laugh in appreciation. "You don't have any idea man, you have given me a life jacket in this crisis"

"I remember a wise man once said, there is nothing more miserable on Earth than a man in love". Riyadh teased him.

"And I am sure this wise man is named Riyadh". Taimur replied him chuckling.

"Ms. Eva Smith no matter how much you resist I will make you mine one day. And that day is not far". He addressed her image in his mind. And started talking to Riyadh regarding the affairs of their company.


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