Chapter 16

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Eva was brewing her coffee in the morning. It has been two days since she met Taimur. And she was missing him badly. Taimur had intoxicated her with his love. And now she didn't have any cure for it and she didn't even want to be cured of this illness which had taken over her heart, mind, and body.

Eva had stopped worrying, thinking about the future. She just wanted to enjoy her time with Taimur. She wanted to live these days to the fullest. And for that, she needed Taimur to be with her. But he was with his family for the last two days.

And she was here alone, away from her family and friends. She hadn't told anything to Aalam and Stevens regarding her and Taimur. They were still counting on her for some evidence.

Eva was not sure what she will do if she really found out something. She couldn't imagine any harm happening to Taimur. She was really screwed for now where her professional life was considered.

As she was pouring her coffee in the mug she received a call from Taimur on her cell. She picked the call smiling.

"Salam Alaikum, what's up Sugar, " as soon as she put the cell to her ear she heard his cheerful voice.

"Nothing was just pouring myself a cup of coffee, " she said cheering up. His voice had charged up her low battery.

"I missed your coffee, " Taimur said.

"And I missed you, " Eva said longing to be with him again.

"I missed you to my pudding, " he replied, smiling.

"I think your glucose levels are running low, you are constantly mentioning sweeteners and dessert, " she said teasing.

"How come they won't be, low? I haven't had a bite of you in the last couple days, " Taimur teased her back.

"Ok so now he was 1 up than Eva. Eva 0, Taimur 1. Never mind I will have the last say in this game," She thought to herself and smiled.

"I can't tell you how much I have missed you Ya Seharati, I want to hold you in my arms and love you, till you are satiated, " His voice was filled with emotions.

Eva blushed on his words. She didn't expect him to say something like that.

"I know you are blushing right now, but just wait till I meet you, I will carry out each and every threat, " Taimur had missed her really badly, Eva realized.

"You are coming to work today, " she asked him changing the subject.

"I will be late. But will join you for lunch have some business to attend to, " He said.

"Oh, I will prepare something special for lunch then". She said disappointed that she will still have to wait till afternoon to meet him.

"Ok, then see you at lunch" He hung up.

Eva started getting ready for the office. She wanted to dress up in something good. She would be seeing Taimur after two long days.

She pulled out a white lace top with blue jeans. And changed into it. When she reached the office everyone had filled in for work. These days she was getting a lot of glances and stares from her colleagues and employees of other departments.

The word was around that the Prince had got a girl for himself, she really felt uncomfortable by this constant staring and people coming to their floor just to get a glimpse of her.

She had told Taimur about this and that they need to be a little cautious, and he had just laughed and said, "A lion does not concern itself with the opinion of a sheep, " She laughed at his words.

His Ruthless Desire (Completed)✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt