Chapter 28.

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Nalini attempted to avoid the Duke at any cost even after they got home, though she could sense that he wanted to talk to her. He had yelled at her just for mentioning his sister's name and even thinking about it brought a frown upon her face.

She understood that it was a touchy subject but it wasn't as if she had done it deliberately.

Nalini sat beside Richard in the morning, teaching him some math problems as well as some etiquette.

"Richard, please don't slouch. Straighten your shoulders," she said, gently. He did so but with less flourish than desired and she chuckled at the forceful way he tensed his shoulders.

He shot a warm smile at her. "Is this right, Miss?"

She nodded, smiling back at him. "You're getting there, now just remember to keep your back and shoulders straight when you walk and sit."

She then pointed at one of the equations he seemed to be struggling on; it was the same question as another one he had answered but set out differently to see if he would pick up on it.

Unfortunately, he didn't.

Richard nodded at her advice before looking down at the piece of paper he was working on with a frown.

"I don't know what I'm doin', Miss."

"Doing, Richard," she corrected before leaning over a little, pointing at the equation. "And you know how to do this, we did a similar question just a second ago. Just think, I know you can do this."

Nalini tried to encourage him with a bright smile.

It seemed to work as he nodded eagerly, shooting her a toothy smile before looking down again.

A few seconds later and he was still stuck. He glared at the paper as if he wished for the answer to magically appear.

Sticking his tongue out in concentration, he scribbled something down before showing her.

His eyes shone with hope but looking down at it, Nalini sighed a little. He was close, but he was off by two.

"Were you confused by the way it was set?"

The spark of hope in his eyes diminished and he nodded his head, frowning at the ground. At that moment, she wanted to hug him tightly but refrained since that would be seen as inappropriate.

"It's similar to three plus six, Richard. What does that equal to?"

"Nine?" he replied, looking up at her with wide, hesitant eyes.

She nodded encouragingly, "Exactly, Richard, be confident! Now count for me: what does three," she held up three fingers, "plus four," she added four more fingers, "plus two, equal?"

Nalini held up nine fingers in front of him and his eyes widened.

"It's nine!"

"Yes, you've got it!" she clapped enthusiastically despite herself.

Richard bounced in his seat, his hair flopping up and down as he beamed at her.

His eyes then drifted to someone behind her and she gulped, feeling the intimidating looming presence. She hoped it wasn't who she thought it was but looking at the growing smile on Richard's face diminished any hope in her.


That excited yell was what served to crush her heart.

She dropped her head slightly, holding back a groan. She plastered a smile on her face as she turned. He had his hands clasped behind his back, a tight black shirt displaying his frighteningly well-built figure. Staring at the pure handsome ruggedness of the man made her want to slap herself.

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