twenty-nine - "oceanside" - twenty-nine

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"Any first year med student knows that an increased heart rate is a sign of trouble. A racing heart can indicate anything from a panic disorder to something much, much more serious. A heart that flutters, or one that skips a beat, could be a sign of secret affliction or it could indicate romance which is the biggest trouble of all. It seems we have no control what so ever over our own hearts. Condition can change without warning. Romance can make the heart pound just like panic can. And panic can make it stop cold in your chest. It's no wonder doctors spend so much time to keep the heart stable, to keep it slow, steady, regular to stop the heart from pounding out of your chest from the dread of something terrible or the anticipation of something else entirely."
-Meredith Grey, S5E14, "Beat Your Heart Out"

"Every patient's story starts the same way. It starts with them being fine, it starts in the before. They cling to this moment, this memory of being fine, this before, as though talking about it may somehow bring it back. But what they don't realize is that they're talking about it to us, their doctors and that means there's no going back. By the time they see us, they're already in the after. And while every patient's story starts the same way, how the story ends depends on us, on how well we diagnose and treat. We know the story hinges on us and we all want to be the hero."
-Meredith Grey, S5E15, "Before And After"

"There's this thing that happens when people find out you're a doctor. They stop seeing you as a person and begin to see you something bigger than you are. They have to see us that way, as gods, otherwise we're just like everyone else, unsure, flawed, normal. So we act strong, we remain stoic. We hide the fact that we're all too human. Patients see us as gods or they see us as monsters. But the fact is, we're just people. We screw up, we lose our way. Even the best of us, have our off days. Still we move forward. We don't rest on our laurels or celebrate the lives we've saved in the past. Because there's always some other patient that needs our help. So we force ourselves to keep trying, to keep learning. In the hope that, maybe, someday we'll come just a little bit closer to the gods our patients need us to be."
-Meredith Grey, S5E16, "An Honest Mistake"

"I need a favor. My mother's ninth journal. I need you to pre-read it."


"She had an affair with the chief."

"Your mother had an affair with her chief resident? Rock on, Ellis."

"No, no, no. Not her chief. Our chief."

Anna wanted to laugh at Cristina's shocked expression as Meredith finally told her one of her mother's dirty secrets.

"Wait," Cristina turned to Anna, "You're not shocked by this?"

"I spend a lot of time with the chief." Anna explained, "I kinda figured something went on since the way he talks about Ellis."

"What does he say?" Meredith asked, curious.

"Mostly talks about all the surgeries she's done.... and you." Anna shrugged, "Nothing bad."

"I have to go." Cristina took off after being paged.

"So..." Anna bit her lip, "You're probably busy. I'll go find George, or Izzie, or Lexie."

"Your dad wanted us to spend more time together," Meredith said, "And I think we should, too. You're living in my house. We should know each other better."

"He's just paranoid. He thinks I secretly dislike you or something," Anna told her, "You're cool, Meredith. We're cool. I'm gonna go find something to eat while you go back to work."

"I'm cool?" Meredith turned around, mumbling to herself, before she smiled, "I'm cool."


𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢, 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘥𝘺 - 𝙂𝙧𝙚𝙮'𝙨 𝘼𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙮 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now