sixty - two - "callie torres study method" - sixty - two

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"Every Halloween we make a choice about what kind of costume we're going to wear. Something sexy, maybe we'll be someone scary, or you could be a superhero, which is what I'm trying to be this year. Halloween is not for the faint of heart. There's a surprise around every corner. Some of the surprises are good, and some of the surprises are bad. What's important is that you can't let the fear of the surprise stop you from getting dressed up and wandering to a stranger's house to ask the question. So, what'll it be? Trick... or treat?"
-Meredith Grey, S10E7, "Thriller"

"Glioma, fibroma, blastoma. Whatever the tumor, people assume you approach it the same way. You find its hiding place in the body, then you open the patient up, and you cut it the hell out. But you're not just fighting the one tumor. You're actually in war with over a billion cells. So, how do you beat the odds when it's one against a billion? You stand strong, keep pushing yourself past all rational limits and never let yourself give up. But the truth of the matter is, despite how hard you try and fight to stay in control, when it's all said and done, sometimes you're just outnumbered."
-Meredith Grey, S10E8, "Two Against One"

"Doctors never mean to screw up. You make a bad call and the unthinkable happens. It's not like we do it on purpose. It's not like we want to hurt anyone, but sometimes we do. Sometimes we make mistakes and when we blow it, we're sorry. Not that being sorry really matters anymore. No apology in the world matters now. We've all done things we aren't proud of. I understand that. I know nobody's perfect, but how do you live with it? How do you get up every morning and face the world, knowing you could've done better? That you should've done better? Is being sorry enough? Can an apology actually heal our wounds? Ease our pain? Can it undo the hurt that we've caused?"
-Callie Torres, S10E9, "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word"

"The body is an infinitely complex mass of interacting systems. People like to think doctors see it all clearly. But it's not always obvious what's a hiccup in the system and what's full-on medical disaster. We figure that out in our first year of residency. We spend the rest of our careers lying about it. It's just a cold. Muscle through it. It'll pass. Nothing's really wrong. We're doctors. We'd know if something was wrong. We're all be fine. Nothing is wrong."
-Meredith Grey, S10E10, "Somebody That I Used To Know"

Halloween came and went. It was now nearing Thanksgiving. Meredith and Cristina were still hostile with each other, Meredith continued working on her research with her new 3D printer for the hospital, Callie and Arizona were still seperated, Dr. Webber was recovering in the hospital, and April and Matthew's wedding date was getting closer.

"They're incompetent. It's not their fault," Dr. Bailey said, entering Dr. Webber's room, "Because it's how they were raised. These days, parents think all of their kids are geniuses. And everyone gets a trophy just for being on the soccer team."

"And... they're not the problem. You are." Richard told her, "I'm trying to teach them, and you won't let them learn. I can barely get out of this bed. I can't operate. Who knows if I ever will? The only thing that gives me some meaning, hell, some days the only thing that keeps me going... is teaching them. And- and you're standing in the way of that. So I'm gonna have someone else supervise 'em."

"You're not kicking me off this case."

"Yes, I am. This is why when I fire someone, I like to do it in their office. So I can walk out. Walk out, Bailey."

Dr. Bailey walked out of his room, ticked off and mumbling to herself, as Dr. Webber spotted Anna from the hallway and called for her. Anna sighed, hoping she could've just left after checking on Zola and Bailey at the daycare.

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