eighty - one - "you're suturing a butterfly costume" - eighty - one

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"I don't do reunions. High school, undergrad, med school. I don't need to make superficial conversation with a bunch of people I barely remember. If I wanna keep someone in my life, I keep them in my life. Or, maybe it's just that I don't know how to get rid of them. I don't do reunions, but I can see why people do. They can make you feel like you haven't felt in a long time. It's comfy. It's familiar. It's kind of like coming home. You see how people turned out, if they realized their hopes and dreams, or if they have lost their hopes and dreams. Or maybe you see that they have found what we all should find: brand new hopes and dreams."
-Meredith Grey, S13E14, "Back Where You Belong"

"There's an old story of a father who had two sons. When he knew a civil war was about to break out, he sent one son to fight for the North, and one to the South. He figured if he had sons on both sides, there'd be a better chance one would survive. Because when you fight a war at home, the casualties are your neighbors, your friends, your family, leaving you all alone. War isn't civil. You pick sides and defend them. You attack. You hurt people. You get hurt. You fight, and you fight, and you fight. To what end? What are we fighting against? What are we fighting for? When is it time to just quit all of this nonsense and simply surrender?"
-Meredith Grey, S13E15, "Civil War"

"Freezing. Choking. Getting tongue-tied. It's what we call it when your mind goes from brilliant to blank. You can prepare all you want, but the feeling can still hit you, out of nowhere. So when it hits you, when your mind shuts down, when you open your mouth and no words come out, the good news is, it happens to all of us. Freezing. Choking. Getting tongue-tied. There's a reason it happens. We lose our words because the stakes are so high and we have so much to lose. We're petrified of saying too much or saying it wrong, when the truth is the only wrong thing you could say is nothing at all."
-Jackson Avery, S13E16, "Who Is He (And What Is He To You)?"

"Stuff comes apart. An eggshell's never gonna come back together. A window will never unbreak. It's called the second law of thermodynamics. It's also called life. Stuff rarely comes together, but it will always come apart. Everything comes apart at some point. We all will. It's the law. It's what we're designed to do. We have to face it and accept it, and try to hold it together, for as long as we can."
-Meredith Grey, S13E17, "Till I Hear It From You"

"When my mother's Alzheimer's got bad, I was going through her bills and I found a notepad. Written on it were the words "Important. Tell Meredith not to." And that was it. She never finished that sentence. Tell Meredith not to what? Not to drink too much? Not to pet strange dogs? Not to give her heart away? Not to leave the sprinklers on? We didn't exactly talk a lot during those days. I regret that. I wish we had. I think about my mom's note all the time. Tell Meredith not to... not to cave? Not to care? Not to give up so easily? Not to fall in love? Not to have children? Not to tell a lie? She left me wondering what to do, what not to do. She left me knowing everything was up to me and me alone. And she left me with no one to ask. So I would decide what she meant to write. Tell Meredith not to be afraid. Goodbye, Mom."
-Meredith Grey, S13E18, "Be Still, My Soul"

[a/n: now that s13 is almost complete, anna is now 22, zola is 7, bailey is 4, and ellis is 3.]

Anna walked out of the elevator at Grey Sloan Memorial after taking Bailey and Ellis to daycare. She walked through the sea of people and heard someone call her name. It was Jackson. He waved, approaching her with a smile, "Anna, hi. I haven't seen you around here in awhile."

"Hi." Anna smiled, "I heard about the politics. I'm staying out of it."

"How have you been?" Dr. Avery asked, "I heard you just finished your first week of med school. Congrats."

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