sixty - one - "sofia robbin sloan torres" - sixty - one

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"There is this playground game that kids play. They lock hands and on the count of three, they try to snap each others fingers off. You hold out as long as you can or at least longer than the other guy. The game doesn't end until someone says stop, gives up, cries mercy. It isn't a fun game. In the game of mercy, when one kid cries out, the other one listens and the pain stops. Don't you wish it was that easy now? It's not a game anymore and we're not kids. You can cry mercy all you want, but nobody's listening. It's just you, screaming into a void."
-Meredith Grey, S10E3, "Everybody's Crying Mercy"

"As anyone who's ever had their tonsils out can tell you, surgery isn't cheap. It takes a lot of money to keep a hospital's doors open, and when the funds run out, it's on us to get out there and raise some more, which means it's time to put on make-up. It's time to dress up right. It's time to get things started on the Muppet Show t... Crap! Sorry, I've been watching a lot of children's television lately. But you get the idea. Overture, curtain, lights. This is it. The night of nights. No more rehearsing and nursing a part. We know every part by heart. Tonight, what heights we'll hit. On with the show. This is it."
-Meredith Grey, S10E4, "Puttin' on the Ritz"

"Here's what I learned the first day at medical school: think long and hard before choosing to become a surgeon. It takes 100 percent commitment. You have to be on your A game every time you walk into that OR. When patients are lying on your table, completely at your mercy, they need to know that when you make that first cut, you know what you're doing. No other specialty requires the time, the focus, the complete dedication, except maybe being a mom. What if your focus splits? What if you can't be all in? Are you left with nothing at all? Maybe you just need to find a different path. Here's what horrifying: what if you can't give a 100 percent? Maybe you just need to go back to the beginning and start all over again."
-Meredith Grey, S10E5, "I Bet It Stung"

"Researchers are currently working to make a map of the human brain. It may be the most complex map ever created. Billions of neurons making trillions of connections. At first glance, they seem completely random. But there's nothing random about them. All these connections have to happen in a specific pattern. It is designed for a function. These connections determine everything about us: what we love, what we hate, what we say, what we do. We're just starting to learn the extinct of the brain's connections. How far they reach, how deep they go. But we know that every connection matters. Every connection is crucial and when one is broken, it usually means some damage has been done. This system of connections compels us to act and choose and behave. Sometimes humanly against our own will, but it is not random at all. It is the map of who we are. We work to understand ourselves. Solve the puzzle. How all the connections work, and all the pieces fit."
-Derek Shepherd, S10E6, "Map of You"

"I'll get it. You can't pick him up. Your incision needs to heal. I got him." Derek tells Meredith, as Bailey's morning cries wake up the Shepherd household.

"Hurry up before he wakes up..." Meredith and Callie groan, hearing Sofia and Zola's talking from the bedroom.

After they all wake up, Callie gets them dressed and pours them cereal while Meredith waits for the coffee pot to finish. Derek and Meredith are on maternity leave and hate it. They're finding it hard to be away from surgery for so long. Callie gets ready to drop the girls off at daycare.

"We're missing a kid." Derek looks around the livingroom, trying to pick up the toys everywhere, "Anna!"

"What time is her morning class again?" Meredith asks, trying to remember.

"I don't know. It was early. She needs to eat before she goes on that long of a drive." Derek heads to her room, knocking on her bedroom door, "Anna? You need to wake up! Check your blood sugar and eat something!"

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