forty - four - "ethics review" - forty - four

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"To a degree, medicine is a science. But I would argue it is also an art. Doctors who see medicine as science only? You don't want them by your side when you're bleeding won't stop or when your child is screaming in pain. The clinicians go by the book. The artists follow their guts. The artists feel your pain, and they go to extremes to make it stop. Extreme measures... that's when science ends and art begins. Surgery is extreme. We cut into your body, take out pieces, and put what's left back together. Good thing life doesn't come with a scalpel, because if it did, when things started to hurt, we would just cut, cut, and cut. The thing is, what we take away with the scalpel, we can never get back. So, like I said, good thing."
-Meredith Grey, S7E11, "Disarm"

"People are really romantic about the beginnings of things. Fresh start, clean slate, a world of possibility. But no matter what new adventure you're embarking on, you're still you. You bring you into every new beginning in your life. So how different can it possibly be? It's all anybody wants, right? Clean slate, a new beginning. Like that's gonna be any easier. Ask the guy pushing the boulder up the hill. Nothing is easy about starting over. Nothing at all."
-Meredith Grey, S7E12, "Start Me Up"

"Doctors practice deception all the time. We give vague answers to hard questions. We don't talk about post-op pain. We say, "you'll experience some discomfort". If you didn't die, we tell you, "the surgery went well". But the placebo has to be the doctor's greatest deception. Half of our patients, we tell the truth. The other half, we pray that the placebo effect's real. And we tell ourselves that they'll feel better anyhow, believing help's on the way, when, in fact, we're leaving them to die. Doctors practice deception every day on our patients, on their families. But the worst deception we practice is on ourselves. Which is why sometimes, it takes us a while to realize that the truth has been in front of us the whole time."
-Meredith Grey, S7E13, "Don't Deceive Me (Please Don't Go)"

"One of the hardest lessons as a doctor is learning to prioritize. We're trained to do all we can to save life and limb. But if cutting off a limb means saving a life, we learn to do it without hesitation. It's not an easy lesson to learn, and it always comes down to one question. What are the stakes? What do we stand to gain or lose? At the end of the day, we're just gamblers trying not to bet the farm. Surgery is a high-stakes game. And no matter how high it stakes sooner or later you just gonna have to go with your gut. And maybe, just maybe, that will take you right where you were meant to be in the first place."
-Meredith Grey, S7E14, "P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing)"

"Meredith gave me her mother's old journals to continue on her research." Dr. Webber shared with Anna, happy to have her back by his side, as they sat together in his office.

"She kept journals?"

"Oh, yes. Dozens." Richard opened a drawer, as Anna peeked in, "Documented her techniques, surgery procedures, research, theories... everything. It's a wonderful thing for a future surgeon to study. That's if, uh, it's okay with your stepmother."

Suddenly, Dr. Webber's pager went off. He read it, taking his glasses off, and stood up out of his chair, "Multiple traumas on the way. Excuse me, Anna."

Anna followed him out of the office, across the walkway, down the stairs, and in front of the ER where all the attendings, residents, and interns were gearing up.

"Okay, people! There's been a shooting at the community college. We've got multiple traumas on the way here, five minutes out. We need everyone, all hands on deck!"

Derek came up to Anna in a hurry, "Stay in Richard's office or one of the lounges. The waiting rooms are gonna be packed and the floor's gonna be very busy. I want you out of the way, but somewhere safe."

𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢, 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘥𝘺 - 𝙂𝙧𝙚𝙮'𝙨 𝘼𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙮 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now