thirty - six - "ceviche" - thirty - six

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"We assume the really serious changes in our life happen slowly, over time. But it's not true. The big stuff happens in an instant. Becoming an adult. Becoming a parent. Becoming a doctor. One minute, you're not, and the next... you are. Ask any doctor, and they can point to the one moment they become a physician. It usually isn't med school graduation day. Whatever it is... nobody forgets it. Sometimes you don't even know anything's changed. You think you're still you and your life is still your life... but you wake up one day and you look around and you don't reognize anything. Not anything at all. You never forget the moment that you become a doctor. A switch flips. Suddenly, you're not playing dress-up anymore. You own the white coat. What you may not notice is the moment that being a doctor... changes you."
-Meredith Grey, S6E11, "Blink"

"Number one rule of surgery is limit exposure. Keep your hands clean, your incisions small, and your wounds covered. Number two rule of surgery is when rule number one stops working, try something else. Because sometimes you can't limit exposure, sometimes the injury is so bad you have to cut, and cut big. In surgery, the healing process begins with a cut, an incision, the tearing of flesh. We have to damage the healthy flesh in order to expose the unhealthy. It feels cruel and against common sense, but it works. You risk exposure for the sake of healing, and when it's over, once the incision has been closed, you wait. You wait and hope that your patient will heal. That you haven't in fact, just made everything worse."
-Meredith Grey, S6E12, "I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked"

"We ask a lot of our patients. We put them to sleep. Cut them open. Poke around in their brain and guts with sharp instruments. We ask for their blind trust. Irony is, trust is hard for surgeons, because we're trained from day one that we can't trust anyone but ourselves. The only instincts you can count on are your own. The only skills you can count on are your own. Until one day, you leave the classroom and step into the O.R. You're surrounded by others, a team of others. A team that you have to rely on whether you trust them or not."
-Derek Shepherd, S6E13, "State of Love and Trust"

"Anna!" Addison greeted her, stepping off the elevator with Mark by her side, "I missed you!"

"Hi, mom." Anna grinned, hugging her, laughing as she pulled her closer, "What are you doing here?"

"Mark's daughter." She said, "Grandpa. Grandpa. Grandpa."

"I get that enough from her." Mark rolled his eyes, "Let's go over this ultrasound and see what the best options are."

"Right." Addison gave Anna a kiss, "We'll catch up later, honey."

"Okay." Anna smirked, teasing Mark as he walked away, "See you later, old man."

All the residents were busy with work so Anna was going to hide out downstairs in the basement. She was tired and it was too loud on their main floor.


"If Dr. Montgomery had hit it during the procedure..."

"It's dangerous."

"Well, what about that band that's squeezing his thigh? He's not even gonna have a knee?"

"Sloan, you coulda died."

"Well, I can't have a gimpy kid."

"Honey, I know I haven't been your father for long, but if you say "gimp" one more time, I'm gonna smack you."

𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢, 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘥𝘺 - 𝙂𝙧𝙚𝙮'𝙨 𝘼𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙮 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now