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"They say you fight fire with fire. We do it in medicine all the time. We cut you to repair your injury. We hurt you to heal you. We stoke the flames, but playing with fire is a dangerous thing. When we strike that match, we like to think we can control the burn. We like to think we have any control at all, but fire is wildly difficult to contain. And just when you think you've extinguished the blaze, it reignites. It sucks in air and burns hotter and brighter than ever."
-Meredith Grey, S12E8, "Things We Lost in the Fire"

"In group settings, men are 75% more likely to speak up than women. And when a woman does speak up, it's statistically probable her male counterparts will either interrupt her, or speak over her. It's not because they're rude, it's science. The female voice is scientifically proven to be more difficult for a male brain to register. What does this mean? It means, in this world, where men are bigger, stronger, faster, if you're not ready to fight, the silence will kill you. Don't let fear keep you quiet. You have a voice. So use it. Speak up. Raise your hands. Shout your answers. Make yourself heard. Whatever it takes. Just find your voice and when you do, fill the damn silence."
-Meredith Grey, S12E9-S12E10, "The Sound of Silence & All I Want is You"

"In trauma, we're concerned with one overriding question. How did this happen? What was the mechanism of injury? How do we see past the mess and confusion of trauma to figure out what the damage actually is? Infinite possibilities put the patient on the table in front of you. Now you have to figure out, will they live? Will you be able to save them or are they a lost cause? Every part of a trauma tells a different piece of the story and until you look at each and every injury, you can't see what went wrong. We talk about the mechanism of injury, about where it all started, but the truth is, it's sort of a myth. We can't boil every injury down to one single blow. What hurts us is cumulative. It happens over time. We absorb blow after blow, shock after shock, painful hit after hit. But even then, even if we know exactly how we got here, it doesn't mean we can fix it. You can't heal every wound and that's okay. I have to believe it's okay. I have to believe that even if something seems like it cannot be fixed, it doesn't mean it's broken."
-April Kepner, S12E11, "Unbreak My Heart"

"Any day where no one died is a good day. Someone said that once. Wait, it was me. I said it. Any day you wake up and your body's still moving is a good day. You can start over. You can forget your past mistakes. You can make a new start. Live everyday like it's your last. All that crap they put on pillows and car bumpers, it's all true. You're alive. Respect that. Not everybody is. We can start over. Every day, we get second chances to become who we always wanted to be. We can leave our past behind or we can learn from it and honor it. We can decide. It's never too late to change. These people don't have that chance. They left it to you. They let you learn from them, so let's say thank you and not screw it up."
-Meredith Grey, S12E12, "My Next Life"

"When I am right here. Cristina left you. I'm here. I'm your sister."

"You are not my sister. Cristina is my sister. You are Derek's sister, and Derek is gone."

"By that logic, Anna's not your daughter, right? You don't love her-"

"I did not say that. This isn't about Anna."

"Is this why you hate me? 'Cause I remind you of him?"

"Asking you not to push me."

"Am I like her... something you cling to to keep the memory alive?"

"You are such a child."

"You wrap her around you like some sick widow shawl. The widow Grey. She's okay. She's moving on. She'll never love again, but she's holding it together. That is crap. You've given up. You are crawling into your little hole and you are dying. You are hollow. And Derek would be sick about it if he could see it. He was be disgusted."

𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢, 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘥𝘺 - 𝙂𝙧𝙚𝙮'𝙨 𝘼𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙮 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now