A New Chapter

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After 4 long-ass days I finally end up in Beacon Hills

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After 4 long-ass days I finally end up in Beacon Hills. I texted Derek and he first gave me an address to go to. Apparently it was his former sorta beta Scott McCall, but now the true alpha that doesn't kill. Derek told me about everyone in the pack.

Stiles Stilinski, the human. He used to have an evil fox spirit in him or something like that but now he's fine and back to being human.

Then Liam Dunbar, the beta to Scott. He was Scott's first beta accidentally but it was to save Liam's life.

Next is Lydia Martin also known as the Banshee. She can apparently sense death and her voice can kill you.

Up next is Malia Hale/Tate. She's cousins with Derek after finding out that Peter Hale is her father. She's also the were coyote.

Lastly is Kira Yukimura also known as the kitsune? Basically she's a fox that can live forever.

I arrive at the McCall house and go over Derek's texts again. Basically this whole town is some supernatural mess and right now Scott and his friends were definitely in a mess with the supernatural.

I walk out of my car and walk up to his door and knock on it. I wait a couple of seconds and I see a tall boy with brown eyes and black hair. I'm guessing this is Scott considering Derek mentioning him looking like that.

"Hey um I'm Haley, Derek's friend. I don't know if he told you I was coming but um he told me to stop by before going to his apartment and setting up the place." I said awkwardly looking straight at Scott.

"Hey I'm Scott, yeah Derek told me you were coming but um I'm kinda busy right now." He said opening the door a little wider to see a red-headed girl who looks unconscious but awake at the same time with another older looking boy standing beside her holding her up.

"That's Lydia right?" I asked pointing over to the redheaded girl.

"Yeah did Derek fill you In on everything that was happening?" He asked looking like he was still in a hurry.

"Dread Doctors, Theo Raeken, Chimeras. Whatever those things/people are." I said looking confused.

"Basically. We have to take her to the hospital to come with us and I'll explain what else is happening."

"Sounds good I said." After I said that we started walking to the car. Scott got in the driver while the older man sat with Lydia in the back and I got in the passenger.

"First tell me what brought you to Beacon Hills why would you wanna come here when you had a life in New York?" Scott said.

"I saw my boyfriend murder my best-friend for being a werewolf then he tried killing me," I said honestly. He took his eyes off the road for a second and looked at me with wide eyes, and a confused look.

"I couldn't stay anymore and I wanted to start over so I had Derek pull a couple of strings and now I'm here and I'm going to Beacon Hills High starting Monday." I continued.

"Derek said you're the daughter of the alpha of one of the strongest packs in America is that right?" He questioned, not knowing if I was or wasn't.

"Yeah I get some special perks with that like I can control if I want to fully turn into a wolf or not, faster then normal werewolves, basically an alpha but without the title," I explained. It was beneficial to be the daughter to a powerful alpha, I could beat anyone to come across me.

Scott continued to ask questions about my origin and explained the things that have happened in the past couple of weeks. But not long after we arrive at the hospital and take Lydia inside. Parrish (I found his name out in the car) took Lydia to a couple of nurses and doctors. Scott told me to follow him and we got on an elevator and he continued to explain where we were going.

The elevator dings and it opens to a set of double doors. We got off and Scott immediately looked through the window of the patient. Seconds later another teenage boy busts through the set of double doors and pushes Scott into the wall.

"Where were you!?" The boy screamed at Scott

I back up while a female, a doctor, and another person comes and separates the two boys.

"Your dad wasn't the only person who got hurt," Scott says softly.

"Oh you'll heal" the boy says and Scott covers his chest with his jacket since he was bleeding through his shirt."

"Not me," Scott says.

Scott explains what happened and the boy goes to the elevator. Scott continued to explain that the boy was his best-friend Stiles.

After Stiles comes back up we go to a room in the hospital. It's Stiles, Scott, his mom, and Parrish.

"It could be a sign of shock" Parrish said.

"She's catatonic it's Theo digging around in her brain." He said, I quickly learned that they were talking about Lydia.

"Why would he do that, what is he looking for?" Scott's mom continued.

"The thing he's always looking for, an advantage" Scott said.

"So what did he gain while trying to kill Stilinski" Parrish questioned. I learned to find out the patient was Stiles's dad, Sheriff Stilinski.

"It left me alone with Liam," Scott said

After a couple more minutes Stiles's had a plan to talk to Theo but Scott would listen in by the top of the staircase to hear what they were talking about considering Theo thought Scott was dead. I would be there too with Stiles in case Theo tried to do anything. But of course they were all mega confused on who I was or what I was doing there but they got over it eventually.

So tomorrow I'm finally meeting Theo this should be interesting.

She's finally gonna be meeting Theo I'm so hype

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