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27th November

"Lee, get him in the ambulance. He's breathing!"

"Kang, he's collapsing!"

"We're here! Get Dr Jung! Now!"


A hand reached out for the phone. The person buried under black covers. He looked at the caller ID, picking it up. The small clock on his bedside blinked the numbers: 7:15 am.

"Hello?" He spoke with a raspy voice.

"Dr Jeon. It's an emergency. We need you here in 15 minutes."

He shot up. He never got a call for an emergency. This was serious. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"I'm on my way." He murmured as he stood up, walking to his closet to get clean clothes.

He was a tall male, with black hair and a ripped physique. He had dark eyes, thin lips and a perfect nose.

Jeon Jungkook was a young doctor, a Trauma surgeon to be exact. He had started his practice last year. He had been one of the best students from his medical school. He was still under training so it was odd for him to get an emergency call.

He quickly dressed up, washing his face and brushing his teeth. He quickly grabbed his phone and wallet before he walked out of his room.

He was greeted by his housemate, Dr Kim Seokjin. The man was the head of his department, a genius when it came to medicine.

"Good morning, Jungkook. It's rare to see you going to the hospital so early. What happened?" He asked.

The man was handsome. With dyed pink hair, clear skin and full lips. He looked at the younger from the dining table.

"Morning, Hyung. Just got a call from the hospital. An emergency." He said as he wore his shoes.

Seokjin stood up, grabbing a plate, filling it with toast, scrambled eggs and some cut up fruits and walking towards Jungkook. He handed the younger the plate, grabbing his own car keys.

"I'll drop you off. You can eat your breakfast in the car." He said as they exited the apartment.

They had reached the hospital in five minutes and Jungkook quickly thanked Seokjin before he rushed inside. The nurses greeted him and one of them came running to him.

"Dr Jeon, I was the one who called you." She quickly said as she led him towards the emergency room where the patient lay. He nodded, adrenaline kicking in as he hurried along with her.

"Give me the status of the patient." He said as they rushed through the hallways. Obviously, it was an important emergency. No one would be as worried as the nurse was right now. She was chewing her lip, wringing her hands together as she walked.

"A 22-year-old male, came in today morning 5:35 am. A possible case of suicide. Jumped from a high bridge onto sharp rocks. Split forehead, 4 broken ribs, fractured tibia and fibula and possible internal injuries. He has collapsed 3 times already. It's a miracle he's still alive. Dr Jung has him stable enough for surgery."

Jungkook was shocked. Collapsed thrice? And so many injuries? It really was a miracle he was alive. They entered the emergency room, a few nurses looking up to him as he walked to the ER doctor.

Jung Hoseok had been an ER doctor for 5 years now and never had heed seen a boy with such a strong body. After the fall, people usually didn't stay alive till 5 hours, bleeding. But this patient in front of him had proved it wrong. And he was surprised by it.

Hoseok himself was a charming man, with a handsome long face and bright eyes. He had a heart smile and a bubbly personality. He also had dyed orange hair that could be spotted from far away.

Jungkook quickly greeted him as Hoseok spoke up. "Sorry for calling you so suddenly but your department head, Dr Park is away at this moment. I'm afraid you'll have to take care of this case by yourself." Jungkook looked at him, surprised. No one would let a still training surgeon perform such an important surgery.

"I know what you're thinking. But this is very important, Jungkook." Hoseok said as he kept a hand on the younger. The words made Jungkook snap out of his thoughts and he got to work. He and Hoseok together brought the patient to the OT, operating on him with Hoseok constantly helping him out.

The boy was a mess. The bleeding on his forehead had refused to stop, even after nurses applying pressure on it for hours. The wound was deep and after many failed attempt, Hoseok had managed to stitch it up. His bones didn't have a severe fracture and Jungkook had fixed up the broken tibia and fibula. But the most difficult part was the ribs and internal injuries. One of the rocks had pierced his skin and ended up causing internal bleeding. They had to operate on it fast or else it would become even more difficult to cease the bleeding.

"Doctor! His heartbeat is going down!" One of the nurses announced and Jungkook's head snapped up. Hoseok shot him a look to keep working as he tried to keep the boy's heartbeat stable. Jungkook removed the stone and cleaned the blood before stitching up the wound. A nurse cleaned it up as he moved to monitor the vitals.

"Shit! He's conscious! Aren't you giving him anaesthesia?!" Hoseok said as he moved to place the mask back on the boy who had removed it. He was moving his hand and it found Hoseok's scrubs. The older looked at the boy just before he drifted into unconsciousness and he wished he didn't. He wished he didn't witness the boy mouthing what he had.

The surgery had been a success but it had made Hoseok realize something. The boy had been conscious the whole time and he had told Hoseok while looking straight into the doctor's eyes.

"Don't save me."


Seokjin walked into the hospital, walking towards the lockers as he spotted Jungkook keeping his scrubs into the laundry basket. He approached the younger.

"How did it go, Kook?" He asked, keeping a hand on the other's shoulder. Jungkook turned to him, giving him a small smile.

"It was a success. I guess my training's officially over." He said as he stood up straight and Seokjin beamed at him.

"Good. I'm proud of you. What was the case, anyway?" He asked as they seated themselves on the benches provided.

"A 22-year-old male jumped from a bridge. Split forehead, 4 broken ribs, broken right tibia and fibula, internal injuries. Just horrible. His bleeding didn't stop for 2 hours. It's a miracle we saved him, really." He said as he looked at the older surgeon.

"Poor boy. What about his family?" He asked and Jungkook sighed. "He's been here for 6 hours but we haven't been able to find any contact on him. Hoseok Hyung is going through his clothes right now."

At that moment, Hoseok stepped into the room. His eyes landed on Seokjin, his face pale as he called the older over. Jungkook went with him and they stopped in front of the orange-haired male.

"Hyung," Hoseok started. "I just informed his friend and he's coming over here. But I have to tell you something." He took a deep breath and replayed the whole incident in the OT to the head surgeon. Seokjin's face paled and Jungkook was shocked to the core. Never had he heard of a person staying conscious during the whole surgery, the boy must've felt the pain. But then why didn't he say something or rather scream?

"And I think you should see this, Seokjin Hyung." Hoseok finished as he took out a card from his pocket and handed it to the pink-haired male.

Seokjin looked at the card and before anyone could comprehend anything, he took off towards the room the patient had been kept in.


Happy Taekook day, y'all! Enjoy it with this chapter! Why do you think Seokjin ran towards the room? 

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