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Hewwo! My dear readers, I seriously worship you. We have reached 1.9K views! I was checking the stats of this story and I feel so happy knowing that so many people from so many different places are reading this story! If you don't mind, would you like to share where you are from? Also, I see that a few fanboys are here as well. Please don't be shy to communicate with me! I would love to talk to you! 💜💜💜💜

A big thank you and a virtual hug to you all! Shoutout to @reshy4686 my very amazing unnie who has saved my stupid soul many times! Please check out her story- As Flies To Wanton Boys.


11th December

The gun clattered to the floor as silence fell as heavy as lead. The brunette looked at the taller male sprawled on the floor. He dusted his shirt, moving away from the unconscious male. He walked out of the darkroom, his clothes covered in blood and arms covered in scratches. His face was littered with blueish bruises, darkening every second. Hyungsik had put up a good fight but he hadn't been the best. 

He walked to the larger room, picking up his coat as he wiped his bloody hand on a handkerchief. He put on the black coat, walking out of the room and into the hallway as he made his way to the hospital to get his wounds cleaned by aa certain doctor. He got into his car, revving the engine and driving away. 

He stopped at the emergency entrance of the hospital, parking his car at a corner. He walked in, going to the emergency room. He stopped when he noticed a blur of orange, a smirk making its way on his lips. He walked towards the slightly taller male.


Jimin and Jungkook got out of the car, walking to the entrance of the huge skyscraper. They walked in, being greeted by the employees. By now, everyone knew who Jungkook was and the staff had welcomed his warmly, showing their gratitude to the young doctor for taking care of their boss. Jimin pressed the button on the elevator, the machine beginning its ascent.  They got off, walking to the larger room that was connected to Taehyung's room. 

They walked in and Jimin took the lead and softly knocked on the door, half expecting Yoongi to be inside. The door opened after a few moments, revealing Seokjin. He stepped aside to let the two in, closing the door afterwards. Jimin and Jungkook took a seat on the couch, looking at the sleeping male. Taehyung's red hair was sprawled across the white pillow, his eyes screwed shut and breathing ragged. The blond looked at the oldest male, a sad expression on his face. 

"Hyung, was he crying all this time?" He asked softly, making sure not to wake the younger up. Seokjin sighed as he nodded, sitting on the chair beside the bed. He gently stroked the red head's hair, wiping away tears that would occasionally flow down his cheeks. The door of the room opened a bit, everyone turning to look at the person who entered. Namjoon poked his head in, smiling at the three males as his eyes landed on his boyfriend. The pink-haired male smiled tiredly, still stroking the younger's head. 

Namjoon walked to him, wrapping his arms around Seokjin from the back as he rested his head on the other's wide shoulder. "Why don't you take a break, Hyung? I'm sure Jimin-ssi and Jungkook-ssi will look after him." He said softly, nuzzling his nose in the other's hair. The oldest smiled, looking at the two males in question. The blond gave him a smile and nodded his head. Soon, Namjoon and Seokjin had left the room, leaving behind Jungkook, who found himself on the seat beside the bed, and Jimin who was walking out of the room, lasting a grin and winking in the ravenette's direction.

The young doctor sighed as the door closed. He looked back at the younger male, leaning back on his chair as he waited for him to wake up. He had been quite confident till he was in the car but now, his confidence seemed to be dissipating as minutes ticked by.  He turned his head slightly, looking at the city from the window. He looked back at the male, a small smile making its way up to his face. No matter what he saw, this male was still the most beautiful thing in the world for Jungkook.

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