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27th November

Jimin slowly opened the door, mentally preparing himself for the sight. As soon as he had seen the message, he knew something had happened. He had tried to call the younger's phone and after getting no reply, he had been so worried. But his world had come crashing down when he received the call from the hospital. He had rushed to Yoongi and hurried to the hospital, wishing and praying nothing happen to his best friend.

He took a deep breath as he looked at the frail body of his said friend lying on the white bed. He looked so small, so fragile, so weak and helpless. He walked forward, sitting on the chair next to the bed. He gently took hold of a hand not hooked with IVs and brought it to his face.

"I'm so sorry, Tae. So.. so sorry. I'll never leave you alone again. Please, just please wake up." He pleaded, his eyes filling with tears. He kissed the hand, wiping his tears as he looked at the younger male. He reached forward, pushing some hair away from his eyes.

"You don't have to fight him all alone, Tae. You have us and... And we'll fight him together, okay? Just please wake up." He choked out, his blonde hair falling into his eyes as he hung his head. He felt a tug on his hands and he looked up and gasped.

Chocolate brown eyes gazed warmly at him as the other gave him a small smile. Jimin stood up, towering over the younger as he cupped his face. "Oh my God, you're awake. I was so worried, Tae. Don't you dare do something like this again." He spoke as he cried freely, his tears dropping on the younger's face as he brought his hand up to wipe them away.

"Don't cry, Jiminie." He rasped out, his voice cracking. Jimin wiped his tears as he picked up a glass of water and helped the other drink. He sat back down, taking the other's hand in his own. The younger male looked at him.

"I'm sorry too, Jimin. I should've thought about you two." He said quietly, looking out the window on the other side. Jimin stayed quiet, choosing to not say anything about the incident. He stood up, the other's head snapping to look at him and a wave of dizziness hitting him.

"Calm down, Tae. I'm just going to get the doctor so he can check up on you. Okay?" Jimin said as he placed a comforting hand on the other's shoulder and exited the room, telling Jungkook to check him.

Jungkook hitched up his coat, this was his first patient and he wanted to make a good impression. He walked in the room and froze. Never had he seen someone so... So...


The male on the bed had bright red hair, the colour looking absolutely breathtaking against his honey-like skin. His face was perfectly sculpted, with a high nose and heart-shaped lips. But the most gorgeous feature was his eyes. A beautiful chocolate hue and Jungkook could swear he saw the whole galaxy in them. He was looking out of the window, oblivious to the presence in the room. He suddenly turned to Jungkook and the older forgot how to breath.

The man was surely an angel. No one else was supposed to be so beautiful.

Jungkook shook out of his stupor, walking to the bed. He checked the monitors, thankful for the normal readings. He looked at the younger male, slightly gulping when he realized the younger's gaze was on him. He opened his mouth.

"How are you feeling?" Giving the male an unsure smile, the redhead spoke. "Been better." His voice was soft and soothing, deep and smooth like honey. Jungkook almost groaned at the voice. This male was surely illegal, no one was supposed to have Godly looks and an even more alluring voice.

"I never caught your name." Jungkook said, checking for any signs of damage due to the head injury. But the male just shrugged with a small smile before answering. "Kim Taehyung, doctor." The older nodded.

A beautiful name for a beautiful human, fair enough.

"Thank you very much, Doctor..." The younger trailed off, squinting his eyes to read the name on the coat. "Jeon." He said finally. Jungkook nodded, keeping the conversation going.

"And how old may you be, Mr.Kim?" He asked and Taehyung answered almost immediately. "Taehyung is fine. I'm 22 years old." Jungkook knew this but gave the younger a smile, mentally noting that there was no neurological damage. He looked over all the vitals once again, asking Taehyung if he had any discomfort.

"No, thank you, doctor." He replied politely and Jungkook made to leave, rather reluctantly. He stopped when Taehyung called him. "Dr. Jeon. If there is someone by the name of Yoongi, please can I meet him?" He asked and Jungkook nodded once.

"I'll send him in." He said and made his way out of the room. He called Yoongi, letting him know that the younger wanted to see him. He went in, leaving Seokjin, Jungkook and Jimin in the room.

The youngest of them broke the silence. "Seokjin hyung, there is something I have to talk to you about." The oldest looked at him and he continued. "Do you think you can take a day off tomorrow? I'd like to show you something." He asked and Seokjin looked at Jungkook before nodding.

"Is it okay if Jungkook come with us? You can trust him." He said and Jimin thought for a while before slowly nodding. "Send me your address, I'll send a car to pick you up tomorrow." He said as he took out his phone.

After the exchange, Jimin nodded at Seokjin. "I hope you mentally prepare yourself for this. It isn't going to be very pretty, if I speak frankly." And the older nodded.

"I understand."

Lol, I'm so late and behind schedule on this story. Hope you liked it though. Taekook finally met!

Anyway, see ya tom! Bye~

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