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29th November

"Are you sure about this, Jimin?" Yoongi asked as they walked through the halls of the building. The blond looked at him before nodding, his steps never faltering. "I think it's perfect and besides, I'm not the one who came up with it." He said as they stopped in front of a giant glass door. He scanned his eye and the door opened, welcoming them in. The inside was similar to any normal office, with a mahogany desk and high windows with shelves on every wall. There was another door on the opposite end. The duo walked over, Yoongi stepping up and scanning his card, eyes and finger-prints. 

The door clicked open, revealing a white room, filled with hospital supplies. Seokjin stood in the middle, overlooking the people keeping the machines. He looked at the duo, nodding at them before continuing to tell the position of the machines. There was a comfortable bed on the corner, next to the machines. The redhead laid on the white sheets, surrounded by plushies.

"Woah. Who got you these, Tae?" Jimin asked as he walked to the bed, sitting beside the younger male. Taehyung blushed as he cuddled a bunny plushie. "Hyungie and Dr Jeon got it for me." He said softly as he looked at the young doctor sitting in the corner of the room. Jimin smirked at this as he stood up, planting a kiss on the younger's forehead.

"So... You got him plushies." The blond said as he sat next to the ravenette. Jungkook blushed, turning his face to the other side. "Seokjin Hyung wanted to get something for him." He mumbled as he fiddled with his coat buttons. Jimin laughed a bit before nodding his head. 

They had agreed to let Taehyung stay in the security of his company for the time being. They knew about Jihan and that he could track down their location. The office security was high and all the guards were loyal. They had decided to use one of the spare building wings for the medical facilities. Seokjin would stay with Taehyung and take care of him as his doctor and brother. Jimin had made sure no one knew of Taehyung staying here so that he was the safest here.

Jungkook looked at the red-headed male. He had found himself thinking of the other more times than necessary and he knew what kind of effect the male had on him. He sighed as he looked at his palms. Soon, he would have to leave the younger and go back home, but he didn't want to. He wanted to know him, stay with him, hold him closer. He liked the boy and he knew how wrong that was of him. But, his heart just wouldn't listen to him.


Seokjin glanced at the softly sleeping male. He smiled before taking off his coat and laying it on the ravenette. Jungkook was like a brother to him. He had known the other since university, sharing a dorm and then sharing an apartment. He had seen the younger grow, searching for his own brother in him. He felt guilty, of letting Taehyung handle everything and of dragging Jungkook in this mess.

He stood up straight, going to the bed and sitting beside Taehyung, who held his hand softly. "Are you okay, Hyungie?" He whispered, taking note of the sleeping figure on the couch. Jimin and Yoongi had left a few minutes ago, going to check up on something. The pink-haired male nodded, giving the other a small smile. "Please don't blame yourself. It's not your fault." The younger said, looking at the male in concern. 

Seokjin nodded, feeling his throat tighten as he leaned down and pecked the younger's forehead. "Go to sleep, bubba. You need rest to heal." He said as he tucked Taehyung in, the redhead smiling and closing his eyes. The pink-haired male stood up, walking up to the machines and checking them. He nodded in approval before walking out of the room. Outside, he was met with Jimin, the shorter male holding up a bag and cup.

"Ah, Hyung? Were you going somewhere?"He asked and Seokjin nodded. "To find you, actually. Can you look over them for some time? I need to get some stuff from my apartment." He spoke and the blond nodded. "Wait, I'll send a bodyguard with you." He said as he called up someone and gave a few instructions. The older thanked him before exiting the building, a car halting in front of him.

"Kim Seokjin-ssi?" The driver said as he lowered the window, peeking his head out and smiling at the male. Seokjin looked at him before breaking into a grin as he quickly got in. "Hey, Bambam! How have you been?" He asked as the male started the car. "Great, man. Where were you though?" He asked as Seokjin told him the address.

"I- Just.." He started but was cut off. "Forget that. Long time no see, man." Bambam said as he drove on the empty street, looking around the road. The two chatted, not noticing the car following them.

"Boss, he's in the car, heading to his apartment." A brown-haired male said as he drove behind the car. "Keep following them." A voice answered from the other side as the male slowed down a bit. "Yes, sir." He replied before keeping his eyes on the road, following the two closely.

Bambam looked into his rear mirror, noticing a black car following them. He turned a corner casually making it seem like they were supposed to be heading this way. He eyed Seokjin who was talking on the phone. Jimin had given him orders to protect the male at all costs and he was going to do just that. He picked up his phone, tapping a few buttons before speeding up. They drove through a desolate area before entering a bustling road.

Bambam took this as a chance to speed up and lose their follower for around 5 minutes. He drove through the traffic, turning into an alley and stopping at a small garage. Seokjin looked up in confusion as the other male gave him a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Jin. We need to change cars. Let's go." He said, dragging the older inside the garage and making him sit in another car. Bambam got in the driver's seat, revving the engine and speeding off, heading to the apartment.

After a minute, the car following them entered the alley, catching a glimpse of the old white car and following it again. The car entered a highway as the person reported to their boss. "Target locked, Boss. What are the next orders?" He spoke through his microphone, hearing his boss' voice and smirking. He sped up, catching up to the car and slamming into it. The white car was thrown off balance, a dent on the side as it skid to the other side.

The man smirked before speeding off into the distance, leaving behind the wreck. What he didn't notice was the lack of one person in the car. Seokjin had reached home safe and sound and Jihan's plan and burned to ashes.


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