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4th December

Jungkook opened the door, staring at the female outside. "Um.." She started, as she looked at the box she was holding once before looking back at the ravenette. "Are you Kim Seokjin-nim?" She asked, smiling a bit. Jungkook shook his head, walking in and getting the older male. Seokjin stood next to the younger male, looking at the girl.

She smiled sweetly at the pink-haired male before she handed him the box. "Happy Birthday, Seokjinnie-nim." She said as she bowed down and left the males at the door. Jungkook looked at the elder. "Happy birthday, Hyung." He said as he gave the older male a side hug. The older thanked him, walking inside with the box in hand.

"Who could this be from?" He asked no one in particular as he opened the beautiful black box. Inside it sat a Rolex watch, too expensive to have been bought by any of his friends. He looked at it in awe, Jungkook whistling beside him. "Wow." He breathed out as he took the watch out of the box, looking at the beautifully sculpted object.

He decided to wear it for the day, getting ready to go to the company as Jungkook cooked breakfast for both of them. After eating, then went to the elevator, the door opening on the ground floor. As they walked through the floor, they heard someone's voice calling out to them. "Excuse me!" The two turned to look at a young male standing a few steps away. Behind him stood a dozen of people, each holding flowers.

"Are you Kim Seokjin-ssi?" He asked and as the pink-haired male nodded, all the people started singing. "Happy Birthday to you~" The two males stood frozen as the group finished the song, wishing the older male a happy birthday as they handed him the flowers. By the time the two had managed to get out of the building, Seokjin was holding a bunch of flowers. He sighed into them, breathing in the sweet scent.

"Did Namjoon Hyung do this for you?" Jungkook asked as they made their way to the car. But once again, they were stopped. "Kim Seokjin-nim!" Someone shouted and the pink-haired male turned around to face a guard. He smiled at the younger male. "Happy birthday, sir. Here." He said as he handed a car key to Seokjin, pointing in the direction of the car.

They turned to look and their jaws dropped. A silver Lamborghini Veneno stood in a parking space, shining under the Sun. The two made their way to the car, Jungkook joking that Namjoon had won a lottery. They got in, driving to the company. Even there, everyone greeted him and by the time he reached the room, Seokjin was smiling ear to ear. He went in, followed by Jungkook.

"Morning, Hyung. Happy Birthday." A soothing voice greeted him as he walked over to the source, seeing a smiling Taehyung looking up at him. Jimin and Yoongi wished him too, greeting Jungkook with a 'Good morning'. "Thank you, Tae. For everything actually." The older said as he checked his vitals once. Jimin interrupted him. 

"Your brother is as intelligent as you, Tae. How did you find it out, Hyung?" He questioned the doctor as Seokjin laughed. "Because I realized the only person who could do all this was you." He said as he booped the redhead's nose, the younger male scrunching up his face with a smile. "Why did you waste so much money?" He asked sternly as the younger smiled at him.

"I finally got you back after 8 years, why wouldn't I spend money on you now?' Taehyung countered back as Seokjin shook his head, laughing at the other. They spent the morning like this, the two brothers catching p on stuff and Jimin leaving for his house, Yoongi sitting quietly texting someone and Jungkook sending his daily report to Hyungsik.

Afternoon arrived and Yoongi took his leave, Namjoon picking Seokjin up for his date. "But I need to stay here with Tae." The oldest had tried to argue but Namjoon had dismissed it. "I'm sure Jungkook can take care of him." Taehyung had supported him and that's how the young doctor found himself alone in a room with his crush.

Jungkook sat in the silence, fidgeting slightly before the younger spoke up. "Jungkook-ssi, can you pass me the laptop?" He asked and the ravenette snapped out of his thoughts. He walked over to the male, sitting on the chair beside him. "I'm sorry, Taehyung. But you shouldn't be working right now." He said gently, surprising himself. He had never felt this kind of emotions. It was always sexual attraction for him, one night stands but being with this boy, who he barely knew about made him feels things he had never felt.

Taehyung looked at him, pouting a little as he looked away, nodding slightly. Jungkook gulped as his eyes landed on the plump petal lips. He scolded himself mentally before he spoke up. "I never asked you. What are you in this company? The CEO?" He asked with interest and the younger looked at him. 

"Um... I'm the Chairman and CEO. My father was supposed to be the Chairman but he passed away." He answered. Jungkook nodded and asked a few more questions about him, getting to know him. It resulted in a pleasant conversation, with the two smiling at each other, even sharing silly incidents. Lunch rolled around and the two continued chatting till evening.


Yoongi walked in the room, his lips stretching into a smile at the scene. Taehyung had fallen asleep midway, and Jungkook had followed him, resting his head on the mattress as he too had drifted to dreamland. The older male snapped a pic of it, before remembering why he had come here in the first place.

His smile fell, replaced by a frown as he walked to the young doctor, gently shaking him awake. Jungkook jolted up, looking at Yoongi as his cheeks flushed. "I have to tell you something, Jungkook." The brunette said as he led the doctor outside, sitting on the benches there.

"It isn't good news." He said, keeping a hand on the younger's shoulder as he looked at the other. "We got you a few bodyguards but you need to stay safe, Jungkook."

"He knows about you."


You guys are amazing! 940+ views! Are you kidding me? I love you guys so much!! 

Hope you liked the chapter! Shit's about to go down so get ready guys!! I'll see you soon! Tomorrow maybe?



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