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Everything that happens from here onwards is accounts of what happened 8 years ago. Hope you are not confused! To everyone who's reading this, Thank you soooo much! It means the world to me! I hope you're enjoying the story so far.

"I'm so sorry, Taehyung." A dark-haired male said as he slid out from his balcony, hitching up his bag and running into the dark night. He reached a bus stop, boarding the first bus he could find. He couldn't stay in that hell-hole any longer, but he felt guilt seeping in at the thought of his cousin. He couldn't go back now. 

The next morning was chaos in the Kims' mansion. Everyone ran around, calling people, trying to find their older son. Taehyung stood in Seokjin's room, stopping as he saw a small paper stuck to his nightstand. He walked towards it, slipping the note into his pocket as he made his way to his room, locking it before he read what was inside. 


I am so sorry for leaving like this, but they would never let me pursue my dreams if I stayed any longer. When I have achieved my dreams, I will come back to you, I promise. Please hold on till then. I'm so sorry.

Your hyungie,


The brunette smiled through his tears, wishing his brother good luck as he kept the note in his diary before anyone found it. He believed his brother and he knew that it was true. He hoped Seokjin was okay and safe. And far away from this demon's hideout.

Everything changed for the worse in the next few months. Taehyung's father forced him to accompany him in every meeting and conference. he forced the teen to take up the company's work, leaving no doubt behind that he wanted Taehyung to succeed his seat. His uncle and Aunt had cut all contacts with the main family and Seokjin, so all the pent up anger was released on the young brunette. But he endured it. For his brother and in hopes of a brighter future.

It was a few months after that when Taehyung started attending his school again. His father had taken long leaves for him to be under the elder's supervision 24/7. The young brunette was finally happy to be able to make friends. That was the day he met his senior, Park Seojoon who went out to become his best friend. Seojoon was from a middle-class family but the two had clicked immediately bonding close.  

Although the other was older than Taehyung by 3 years, the older brunette was the first person Taehyung had confided in. In just 4 months, the two had become absolutely close, joined by the hip. The younger had told him about his Hyung and the older had promised to find him when he became a police investigator. They were childish dreams, threaded together by a string of innocence and fate.

The youngest Kim was still undergoing training, but he had resigned to it now. Knowing that all his attempts were futile. He loved his family but he just couldn't bring himself to like them for this particular reason. His father was strict and forceful but his mother was ignorant to it all and that hurt more than anything. He had already chosen to believe that he liked the work of a CEO and that he was okay with becoming the heir to his father's company. He terribly missed his brother in these times, wishing the older would be beside him and hide him in his arms. But it was all a dream.

It was on a festive winter night, that he really felt the overwhelming pressure. The pressure of being the perfect son of 'The Kims'. He wanted to hide away forever, sitting on his windowsill, the cold November breeze flowing through his soft brown hair. He ran a hand through his hair, reaching it out at the moon.

"Hyungie... I miss you..."He whispered, hoping the breeze would take his message to his beloved brother. He sighed as he stepped down from the sill, walking into his room. As soon as he turned, he heard a whisper of his name. He turned around, looking out of his window to see Seojoon standing near his garden wall. He gasped, softly climbing over the ceiling, making sure to make the minimum sound. He was as good as dead if someone found out. 

"Hyung!" He whispered sharply, looking at the taller male. "What are you doing here?!" He quickly looked around, dragging the older to a place that was hardly visible from the house.

"I came here to take you away," Seojoon said, looking at the younger boy. Taehyung made a face, questioning the older's sanity. "Have you lost your mind?!" He bit back shouting out. The older shook his head, leaning down to whisper into the other's ear.

"I meant, I'm sneaking you out." As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the younger was dragged away. They ran out of the estate, stopping once in a while, only to catch their breaths. Soon, they stood outside a gym and Seojoon sneaked him in. He gave the younger some clothes as the two changed into gym wear.

"What are we doing?" The younger asked as they stood in front of each other. Seojoon smirked.

"We're gonna make you stronger." 

The two kept their night rendezvouses a secret as months went by. The year came to a close and the younger entered high school. He could say that life was going okay. His father was not forcing the training sessions on him as he himself would go to the company. He and Seojoon were closer than ever, with the older in his last year of high school. It was finally going okay and Taehyung could dare himself to say that he felt happy. But when was life ever easy.

It all came crashing down from his first day of high school when a new transfer student entered his school. The boy was two years older than Taehyung, with jet black hair and sharp features. He soon became the school's heartthrob but his eyes were only set on one person. Kim Taehyung.

It was on a spring evening that they actually met. Taehyung had stayed behind in the art room, painting to ease the uneasiness in the pit of his stomach. He was returning home when he encountered the older. The ravenette was leaning on the school gates, a cigarette between his lips as he blew out puffs from smoke from his mouth. The brunette walked past him, walking out of the school when he felt footsteps follow him. He turned around.

The ravenette threw his cancer stick on the ground, stepping on it and smirking as he made his way to Taehyung, running a hand through his hair. He stopped before the younger. The ravenette was much taller, towering over the small brunette. He smirked wider, noticing the fear in the younger's eyes.

"Kim Taehyung, right?" His voice was deep and throaty. Taehyung gulped before nodding, the uneasy feeling was spreading in his body as he stood there longer. He took a step back but stopped when he felt a hand on his waist. He squirmed in the hold of the older.

"Not so fast, baby boy. You don't wanna know my name?" The older said as he leaned forward, whispering in his ear. Taehyung stood frozen, feeling more helpless by the second. "It's Do Jihan. I hope you remember that." The guy, known as Jihan, said as he let go of the younger and licked his lips.

Taehyung stepped back, fleeing to his house as his heartbeat increased. His mind was screaming at him as he panted, running to his room that he locked himself into. He sat on his bed, going over everything that happened with him. He was scared and he knew it. He took a few deep breaths, calming himself down. He swore to ignore the older male as much as possible. 

But that wasn't going to be the case. With every day, Taehyung found Jihan getting closer and closer to him, to the point that he was becoming paranoid. He started to focus more on his studies, the company and the time spent with Seojoon hoping to forget the ravenette.

But all his thoughts crashed to pieces as he came home to an empty house. His heart dropped when he heard the news on the TV. His world came crashing down as he stared at the screen, seeing the faces of his mother and father displayed with a terribly broken car. He heard the phone ring, picking it up with shaky hands and his tears flowed down his face when he heard the voice on the other side.

"Remember me, baby boy?"


I have nothing to say except sorry for not uploading yesterday. Hope you enjoyed. Leave a vote and comment!



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