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22nd February

The double doors opened, a light chime sounding through the cafe. A man walked in, going straight to the counter. He placed his order and walked over to one of the seats, sitting down on it. He scrolled through his phone, smiling as he saw his boyfriend's picture.

The Sun had started to set, painting the cerulean sky a deep orange. Soft rays fell inside the cafe, lighting it up. The ravenette looked up at the light, remembering the day he had confessed. He smiled softly, a light blush spreading on his face. He shook his head lightly, fixing his coat and standing up when the barista called his name. He walked over to the female, picking up his cup of coffee and leaving. He walked out, an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

The young doctor walked to his car, getting in and telling the driver to take him to drive. The car ride was silent with the ravenette casually sipping on his coffee as he scrolled through his phone. The driver looked into the rearview mirror, accelerating the speed of the car as he smirked. He adjusted his cap, hiding his facial features. He Swiftly turned the car to the side, slamming the right doors of the car into the dividers.

The car shook with the impact, the ravenette jumping up in surprise and grabbing hold of the door handle. He looked at the driver, seeing the smirk on the other's face. He felt his stomach drop as the car slammed against the divider. He sat frozen on his seat, endless possibilities running through his mind. Sweat dripped down from his forehead as he stared at the other male. His hands shook as he reached forward, grabbing the man's hair and yanking it backwards. The driver groaned, turning to look at the male and swiftly giving him a karate chop on the neck, knocking him out.

He sighed as the older's body sagged down in the backseat. He took off his cap, revealing onyx hair and sharp eyes and high cheekbones. He grinned to himself, whistling a tune as he drove faster on the empty road. He pulled out a picture from his pocket, looking at it and smirking to himself as he kissed the polaroid. His eyes travelled to the rearview mirror, looking at the passed out doctor. His eyes flashed red for a second before he smiled at the picture again.

"There is no running away now, baby boy."


On the other side of the city of Seoul, a redhead male rushed to his car. He threw his coat towards the passenger seat, getting in and putting on his seatbelt as he tried to calm his heartbeat. He revved the engine, driving towards his penthouse. The sleek black sedan rushed through the busy streets as the male blinked his eyes quickly, feeling tears well up as he blamed himself in his head. The car came to an abrupt stop at the front of the tall building.

The redhead jumped out, retrieving his belongings and shutting the door, hurriedly giving the keys to his bodyguard standing outside. He ran into the building, his legs feeling shaky and weak. Getting into the elevator, he aggressively pressed the button for the 31st floor. The doors closed as the machine ascended to the floor. As soon as he heard the ding of the elevator, he ran out, scanning his fingerprint and running into the penthouse, not even bothering to remove his shoes.

"What the fuck happened?" He asked out, his voice surprisingly calm. He saw Seokjin and Jimin on the couch, looking pathetic as Namjoon was busy on a call, pacing around. Yoongi was pacing around and Hoseok was trying to calm the ones sitting down. Everyone's eyes snapped towards the voice, seeing the condition of the male in front of them.

Taehyung's red hair was sticking to his forehead, his white shirt wrinkled and sleeves folded up. His coat was thrown over his shoulder and his eyes were panicky, darting from one male to the other as his fists clenched. Namjoon cut the call, walking towards the male. The older softly placed a hand on the redhead's shoulder, silently telling him to take a seat as he sat opposite him.

"Please tell me this is a joke you guys planned. Please." The youngest pleaded as he wrung his hands together, his limbs shaking furiously as new droplets of sweat trickled down his face. Yoongi walked to the male, trying to calm him down but the younger shook his head. He grabbed his hair as he bent forward, tightly shutting his eyes as memories flashed through his brain.

"It's all my fault. All my fault," He chanted as his words reduced to a murmur. His hands felt numb as his head started spinning. His eyesight became blurry as he tried to look up. Tears streamed down his face as his chest constricted painfully, slightly cutting off his oxygen supply. He let out a ragged breath, his senses numbing. He heard distant voices in the haze, unable to identify the voices as his grip tightened around his hair, one hand reaching to his chest as he clung to the shirt over his heart. His felt his oxygen supply cut off for a few seconds, his head feeling heavier by the second. He felt himself falling forward, everything slowing down. He pathetically tried to breathe, releasing loud gasps for air as he opened his eyes to a blurry haze before all he saw was black.

Seokjin saw as the boy started having a panic attack, mumbling under his breath. he rushed to the younger's side, urgently rubbing his back as he tried to calm the redhead down. But nothing seemed to work as the male closed his eyes, his breaths reducing to shallow puffs. The doctor immediately called out for Jimin. "Jimin, get me a glass of water! Quick!" He said as he tried to pry Taehyung's hands from his hair, failing in doing so. Hoseok rushed to his side, trying to talk to the panicking male.

"Hey, Taehyung. Taehyung. Listen to me, bub. Look up, please. It's not your fault." The orange headed male said as he tried to push the younger's chain up, his body surprisingly rigid. "Shit- Taehyung please look up." His voice wavered as he slightly shook the boy. Taehyung choked on his sobs, his breathing getting ragged as his hand clutched to his shirt. Seokjin's eyes widened as he looked at the male, taking the glass of water from Jimin's hand and sprinkling a bit on the younger's face but it had no effect. His breathing only grew shallower.

"He's hyperventilating!" Hoseok said urgently as the boy fell forward into his arms, his breathing seizing for a second before it started again. "Oh my God." Jimin breathed out as he tried to walk to his best friend but Namjoon held him back. The orange-haired male laid the boy down on the couch, slipping a hand under his back and rubbing it as he loosened his tie. He opened the first few buttons of his shirt, fanning his face as Seokjin checked his pulse. The older doctor rubbed the younger's hands, trying to ease his blood flow and racing heartbeat. Everyone had gathered around the couch. The two doctors checked him again, sighing as his symptoms reduced and heart rate went back to normal.

"Make some room around him. We don't want him to feel suffocated." Hoseok said as he stood up, giving each male a look as the other three walked away. Seokjin sat beside the couch, picking up a piece of paper and fanning the younger's face with it. "Namjoon." He called out, the male looking up at him. "Did you find out something?" He asked as his eyes never left Taehyung's face. Namjoon shook his head as he muttered a small 'no'. The older male nodded as he sighed, standing up and heading towards his boyfriend. The younger took him in an embrace, rubbing his back.

"But I'm sure Taehyung will find out soon." He said as he buried his face in the other's hair, his eyes glossy.


I'm sorry, Ray unnie..... You know I suck at dialogues... hehe.

Also guys! We reached 2.5k reads! What the hell!? And my phone stopped acting up!!! Uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu Thank you for all the support, especially my dear reader, @guccitaein2006 . I wuv you!

I hope you liked this- kinda filler- chapter. Next one is action *Evil laugh* and people getting hurt. For those of you wondering why I don't put trigger warnings... First of all, I forget and second of all, I'm pretty sure I mentioned it in the introduction part, so if you're uncomfy... why are you reading?

I mean no hate but if you feel uncomfortable, please don't read further. We won't be having heavy angst anymore, I think? Just a few action scenes and prob an epilogue. Please wait for me in the next chapter! I'll see you soon!



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